Troy Police Department honors retiring jailer Rachel Bennett

Published 10:29 am Monday, February 4, 2019

Friday was a bittersweet day at the Troy Police Department – sweet for retiring jailer, Rachel Bennett; bitter for those who will greatly miss her.

Chief Randall Barr expressed his personal appreciation for the outstanding job Bennett has done over her 18 years at the Troy Police Department.

“When Rachel told me she was retiring, I was surprised,” Barr said. “It seemed like she should always be here. Rachel has been faithful to her job and to the department. She has set an example for all of us to follow.”

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Before coming to work at the TPD, Bennett worked with the sheriff’s departments in Pike and Dale counties and with the Troy Housing Authority. On September 12, 2000, she came to work as the jailer at the TPD and has been a model employee, Barr said.

“Rachel has been loyal; she has always been on time and she has taken her job seriously,” he said. “She has worn many hats and her job has not been easy. She does not see people on their best days. She sees the worst of the worst – those on drugs and alcohol and those with mental illnesses. Rachel’s job takes patience. It takes a special person. Rachel is a special person.”

Barr said Bennett goes about her job with cheerfulness and she has meant a lot to him and to his department.

Troy Mayor Jason A. Reeves congratulated Bennett and expressed his appreciation for a job very well done and for her 18 years of service to the Troy Police Department. He presented a proclamation from the Alabama House of Representatives congratulating her on her retirement and thanking her for her dedication and service.

Captain Greg Wright said Bennett will be hard to replace. She has set an exemplary example for others to follow.

“She has accepted the challenges before her, and no matter the situation, she got it in hand,” he said. “We appreciate her and the job she has done. We will miss her.”

Bennett expressed appreciation to “the best team” and appreciation for the opportunity to work with them. Her career at the TPD has been both challenging and rewarding. She said her desire is for the Troy Police Department to continue to grow and prosper.

“I’m looking forward to my new career and to spending time with family and friends,” said. “I thank everyone for the opportunity to serve with the Troy Police Department for 18 years.”