Allen, Holley assigned to House, Senate committees

Published 3:00 am Saturday, January 19, 2019

State congressional officials have been assigned to multiple committees for the upcoming legislative session.

State Rep. Wes Allen, R-Troy, has been named to three committees by Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon.

Allen, who was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in November, has been tapped to serve on Constitutions, Campaigns and Elections, Urban and Rural Development, and the powerful House Judiciary Committee.

“This is a great honor for me to be selected to these three influential committees,” said Allen. “I deeply appreciate the confidence Speaker McCutcheon has shown in me with these appointments.”

Allen said his experience as probate judge in Pike County makes him well suited for service on the committees.

The Judiciary Committee is responsible for reviewing bills that seek to create new criminal or civil laws or change existing ones while the Constitution, Campaigns and Elections Committee handles bills related to the state constitution, political campaigns, and the election process.

The third committee, Urban and Rural Development, deals with legislation addressing development in all areas of the state.

The three committees Allen is assigned to will begin their deliberations once the 2019 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature convenes on March 5.

Sen. Jimmy Holley, R-Troy, will also be serving on several committees when the Senate returns for the regular session.

“I’m delighted to say I’ll again be the chairman of the governmental affairs committee,” Holley said. “Two other comittees have actually been consolidated into that committee as well, so I’ll be receiving all legislation dealing with municipal and county levels as well as state governmental affairs.”

Holley said he will also be serving on a leadership team of five to prepare and plan for how the Senate will address the issues of the state for the coming week. He will also serve on the veterans affairs committee, rules committee and general fund committee.

“I’ve pretty well got my plate loaded,” Holley said. “It’s nice though when folks want you to come and serve on certain committees, It takes a lot of time and effort to go to all these meetings and coordinate when you’re the chairman; its’ challenging, but I look forward to it. I think I can do good for the state of Alabama, particularly Southeast Alabama and my district.”