Pike County BOE honors board members

Published 10:15 pm Monday, January 14, 2019

The members of the Pike County Board of Education were honored with an appreciation reception Monday afternoon at the Pike County Board of Education facility in Troy.

Earnest Green, Justin Davis, Dr. Greg Price, Chris  Wilkes and Linda Steed were present for the reception. Dr. Clint Foster was unable to attend.

The month of January is traditionally School Board Recognition Month and Dr. Mark Bazzell, Pike County Superintendent of Schools, said he has the best board of education in the state and he appreciates the opportunity to publicly recognized his board.

“This board is always a pleasure to work with,” he said. “They are all assets to the children of Pike County and I appreciate very much their commitment and their service. I enjoy working with them. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been 17 years for me. It has been and is a pleasure to work with this board.”

Following the reception, the board met in regular session and conducted new business which included adopting a resolution proclaiming January 2019 School Board Recognition.

In other new business, the board:

• Adopted a resolution proclaiming January 2019 School Board Recognition Month.

• Approved the Pike County Schools Parent Advisory Academy.

• Approved the request for Shondra Whitaker to attend the ASCD Winter Conference, January 28-29, in Birmingham. Expenses are to be paid with Title 1 funds. 

• Approved the request for Dr. Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Association of School Personnel Administrators Conference, January 30 – February 1. in Montgomery. Expenses are to be paid with general funds. 

• Approved the request for Nathan Brawner to attend the CTE New Teacher Training, January 22-24, in Montgomery. Expenses are to be paid with Perkins funds.

• Approved the request for Lisa Powell to attend the Alabama Music Educators Conference, January 17-19, in Birmingham. Expenses are to be paid with Title 1 funds.

• Approved the request for Jennifer Hornsby to attend the AASBO Professional Certificate Program, February 10-12 in Tuscaloosa. Expenses are to be paid with general funds.

• Approved the request for Jennifer Hornsby to attend the AASBO Professional Certificate Program and Annual Conference, April 29 – May 3 in Orange Beach. Expenses are to be paid with general funds.

• Approved permission for Ken Britford, Donnella Carter, Hannah Clifford, Shantell Rouse, Jonathan Thompson, and Shondra Whitaker to attend the final Key Leaders Network Meeting March 18-19, in Gardendale. Expenses are to be paid with federal funds.

• Approved or denied student transfer requests per the attached spreadsheet.

In personnel action, the board:

• Approved maternity leave for Angie Long, Pike County Elementary School.

• Approved Catastrophic/FMLA leave for Amy Beck, Pike County High School.

• Approved employment of Sarah Scrocchi, special education aide, Goshen Elementary School.

• Approved request to hire Debbie Coley as a part-time, contracted services reading interventionist for Pike County Schools.

• Approved volunteer status for Thad Frazier, basketball Pike County High School. 

• Approved volunteer status for Ali Warrick, softball, Pike County High School.

• Approved catastrophic/FMLA leave for Donald Jordan, bus driver.