Seniors ‘walk off fat fast’ at Colley Complex

Published 3:00 am Friday, January 4, 2019

The laughter bubbling down the hallway at the Colley Senior Complex belied the notion that exercise was going on behind closed doors.

Inside the “exercise” room four ladies were cooling down after a workout.

“We’ve been walking off fat,” Ramona McClure said as if she meant what she was saying. “Really.”

Janice Tyler and Gwen Mosley backed her up.

“Really,” they said. “We are walking off fat.”

The ladies are members of the “walking exercise” class at the Colley Senior Complex and they all agreed walking is good exercise.

They walk in concert with a video titled “Walking Off Fat Fast.” But, it’s not a stroll in the park kind of walking.

“Oh, it starts off slow but it doesn’t stay that way; it really speeds up,” Mosley said. “If the walking speeds up so much you can’t keep up, you can slow back down. It’s exercise and it’s fun.”

And, the walking routine is almost dance-like, said Janice Tyler, who, at 119 pounds, is walking for the health of it.”

McClure said walking is healthy and it’s a good way to lose weight and tone up at the same time. She has “walked off” 50 pounds.

“I’ve been walking here at the senior center three days a week, Monday, Thursday and Friday and I’ve also been watching what I eat,” she said. “I’m eating more greens – turnips, collards and kale, and I mix in a little mustard.”

But McClure is not cooking the greens with ham hock or other “good” seasoning meat. She adds a little garlic and olive oil for a healthy seasoning.

On the wall of the exercise room, there is guide to the 0-1-2-5 of healthier living.

“Zero is limiting sweet drinks to nearly zero,” Mosley said. “One is to be active for at least one hour a day.”

Tyler said the number two is a reminder to spend two hours or less in front of the screen.

“Five is to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.”

Margaret Langford, the fourth member of those who stay after class, agreed, with the others that the two-hour screen limit is the hardest rule to follow. “Then the five fruits and vegetables.”

The ladies had a few suggestions of their own. Staying hydrated during the night with a glass of water nearby is a healthy way to spend the night. They offered the suggestion that sipping two tablespoons of Bragg vinegar “with mother” daily will keep one’s metabolism regulated.

“But walking is a fun way to take off fat and keep it off and have fun at the same time,” they agreed.

The Walking Off Fat Fast exercise class at the Colley Senior Complex is open and new

members may join at any time and start walking to better health.

Senior adults are encouraged to start the New Year by joining one or several of the many programs designed with seniors in mind at the Colley Senior Complex on Elm Street in Troy.