Kersey Pest Control truck stolen

Published 3:00 am Saturday, December 15, 2018

Someone somewhere is driving around in a Kersey Pest Control truck that isn’t looking to exterminate any bugs.

Terry Kersey, owner of Kersey Pest Control, said one of his trucks was stolen overnight Thursday with equipment and tools inside.

“It was at our office yesterday afternoon and it wasn’t there this morning,” Kersey said. “Sometime during the night someone stole it with all the signs on it and all the equipment in the back. I can’t imagine where they’ve got it.”

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Kersey figures it might be parked in some barn or garage somewhere, otherwise people would see it and recognize it.

But his hope is that the thief does drive it sometime soon out on the open road where it can be spotted by an upstanding citizen that will report its location to authorities.

“This one is the only extended cab Kersey truck out there,” Kersey said. “We’ve had some people call in saying they saw a truck with our signs on it, but it was just my men out working. But if you see a Kersey truck with an extended cab, that’s it.”

Kersey said whoever the thief is didn’t get a great vehicle – it has 400,000 miles on it and needs a lot of work done on it to be in shape to sell. But Kersey wants it and his equipment and tools back.

Troy police are investigating the incident and anyone with information about the rime can contact police at 334-566-0500.