General election is Tuesday

Published 3:00 am Saturday, November 3, 2018

Candidates have been campaigning since this time last year, but time is running out as the election is now just three days away.

The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Races included on the ballot for the general election include:

• State Representative for District No. 89, with Republican nominee Wes Allen and Democratic nominee Joel Lee Williams squaring off.

• U.S. Representative for Alabama’s 2nd district, with Republican incumbent Martha Roby facing Democratic challenger Tabitha Isner

• Governor, with Democrat Walt Maddox attempting to beat out current Republican Gov. Kay Ivey

• Lieutenant governor, with Republican nominee Will Ainsworth against Democrat Will Boyd

• Attorney General, with Democrat Joe Siegelman challenging Republican incumbent Steve Marshall

• Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, with Democrat Bob Vance Jr. and Republican Tom Parker competing

• Secretary of State, with incumbent Republican John H. Merrill challenged by Democrat Heather Milam

Other races on the ballot include four associate justices on the Alabama Supreme Court, three judges on the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, three judges for the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, state auditor, two seats on the public service commission.

For Pike County, several names will be on the ballot unopposed for their positions, including Democratic incumbent Jerry Williams for coroner, Democratic incumbent Russell Thomas for sheriff and Republican incumbent Jamie Scarbrough for circuit clerk.

Republican Steven Curtis is unopposed for district judge, Republican Michael Bunn is unopposed for probate judge, Republican Henry “Sonny” Reagan is unopposed for circuit judge, and Republican Chris Wilkes and Democrat Clint Foster are both unopposed for their seats on the Pike County Board of Education.

In addition to electing officials, voters will have the opportunity to voice their opinions on four constitutional amendments.

According to the plain language summary on the ballot, Amendment 1 “provides that a person is free to worship God as he or she chooses, and that a person’s religious beliefs will have no effect on his or her civil or political rights” and “makes clear that the Ten Commandments may be displayed on public property so long as the display meets constitutional requirements, such as being displayed along with historical or educational items. Amendment 1 also provides that no public funds may be used to defend this amendment in court.”

According to the plain language summary on the ballot, Amendment 2 “provides that it would be the public policy of the state to recognize and support the importance of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life; and to protect the rights of unborn children. Additionally, the amendment would make clear that the state constitution does not include a right to abortion or require the funding of an abortion using public funds.

“The proposed amendment does not identify any specific actions or activities as unlawful. It expresses a public policy that supports broad protections for the rights of unborn children as long as the protections are lawful.”

If the U.S. Supreme Court were to reverse its 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton and delegate abortion laws back to the states, this amendment would make clear that abortions are not a right in the Alabama Constitution.

Amendment 3 changes the makeup of the University of Alabama Board of Trustees.

Amendment 4 would end special elections to fill seats when it is vacated on or after October 1 of the third year of a four-year term.

Voters who do not know where to go to cast their ballot this Tuesday can call or visit the Pike County Board of Registrars.

If Election Day approaches and a person still is unsure of where to vote, Circuit Clerk Jamie Scarbrough said there are additional efforts in place to assist voters.

“If they happen to go to the wrong polling place the polling official will have an iPad that has the entire county’s voter registration list,” Scarbrough said.  The polling official will then direct the voter to the correct polling place.

Voters also have the option to cast a provisional ballot at an incorrect polling place if need be.

Residents will vote in 34 precincts, including the Troy Public Library, Meeksville Volunteer Fire Department, China Grove County Building, Hamilton Cross Roads, Dunn’s Voting Center No. 1, Troy Adams Armory, Saco Voting Center No. 1, Ebenezer Voting Center No. 1, Josie County Building, Enon County Building, Sweet Pilgrim Church, Banks Voting Center No. 1, Troy Recreation Department, Brundidge – Haisten Building, Tennille Methodist Church, Tarentum Community Clubhouse, Little Oak County Building, Galloway Road Community Center, Springhill Housing Authority, Pike County Courthouse, First Baptist Church, Henderson Voting Center No. 1, Goshen Town Hall, Rural Home County Building, Antioch Church of Christ, Oak Bowery Church, Dunn’s Voting Center No. 2, Banks Voting Center No. 2, Golden/Satellite Building, Ebenezer Voting Center No. 2, Henderson Voting Center No. 2, and Saco Voting Center No. 2.