Man reported to impersonate Troy Cable employee door-to-door

Published 1:40 am Saturday, September 1, 2018

A man reportedly knocked on the doors of at least two houses in Troy Thursday according to residents, but company officials say he was not affiliated with their service.

“We always make an appointment,” said Myrna Cowen, controller. “People know we’re coming. If someone shows up without a schedule, don’t allow them access.”

Cowen said other reports from customers say he may have been representing himself at other times as an employee of another company such as DirecTV.

Troy Police Chief Randall Barr said they did make contact with a man that was actually working with AT&T and DirecTV.

“We told him he couldn’t be going and doing that without a permit from the city,” Barr said.

Otherwise, Barr said police had no reports of another person representing themselves as a Troy Cable employee. Barr reiterated however that nobody should ever open the door for someone they don’t know that shows up at their home unannounced.

Cowen said that any Troy Cable worker would be in a clearly marked Troy Cable truck or van and all workers have company-issued photo identification. If still unsure whether the person is truly a Troy Cable employee, Cowen said to call Troy Cable no matter the hour at 566-3310.

“That is answered 24-7,” Cowen said. “But in all cases, if you’re not expecting someone, don’t open the door. Even when we have cable outages, we will tell you we’re coming or you’ll have scheduled us.”