Republican runoff is Tuesday
Published 3:00 am Saturday, July 14, 2018
The Republican runoff is Tuesday and both candidates vying for Pike County district judge are glad to be reaching the end of campaign season.
Local attorneys Steven Curtis and January “Jana” Blair Ellis will be on Tuesday’s ballot, along with seven other races, all on the Republican ballot. There will be no Democratic runoff. Curtis won 45 percent of the vote in the June 5 primary; Ellis, 32.5 percent.
Ellis said she has been trying to encourage people to get out and vote and hopes that will help her overcome the deficit.
“The last month of campaigning has been about getting people back out to the polls and continuing to get the message out regarding my experience,” Ellis said. “It’s been tiring – we’ve worked really, really hard and we’re proud of the work we’ve put into it. I’m nervous, anxious and excited to see it finish.”
Curtis said the campaign has been an “eye-opening” experience.
“It’s been a learning experience for me stepping into the political arena for the first time,” Curtis said. “It’s a lot of hard work and very time-consuming, but it’s been very humbling to see all of the folks in Pike County that are supporting me.”
Curtis said Pike County residents should vote for him because of the experience he would bring to the seat.
“I’ve got the experience – more experience than my competitor – practicing law in district court, and I think I’m definitely the best candidate for the job,” Curtis said. “I will keep things running smoothly as Judge (Bill) Hightower has over the years. I look forward to the opportunity to serve as the district judge.”
Hightower is retiring after 42 years on the bench.
Ellis said voters should choose her because of her passion for juvenile court.
“I am qualified to assure that the children in our foster care system remain monitored closely,” Ellis said. “I think that’s very important … I think that I am the person most ready willing and able to serve in that position and continue our excellent court system that we have intact.”
The election will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 17.
Other races on the Republican ballot include:
- Will Ainsworth and Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh for lieutenant governor.
- Bobby Bright and Martha Roby for U.S. Rep. for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District.
- Troy King and Steve Marshall for attorney general
- Brad Mendheim and Sarah Hicks Stewart for associate justice of the supreme court, place No. 1.
- Christy Olinger Edwards and Michelle Manley Thomason for court of civil appeals judge, place No. 1.
- Rich Anderson and Chris McCool for court of criminal appeals judge, place No. 2.
Gerald Dial and Rick Pate for commissioner of agriculture and industries.