Recent Troy grad named new band director at Goshen High School

Published 3:00 am Friday, July 6, 2018

By Jenna Oden

After graduating in May with his Master’s in music education from Troy University, Tyler Logan did what any recent graduate would do: look for a job. Little did Logan know that he would find a job very quickly and very high up as the new band director at Goshen High School.

“I looked first in Mobile, because that is where I am from,” Logan said. “But the director of bands and the superintendent said I would be a good fit for the school and the students.”

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Logan has played for the Sound of the South, Chancellor Hawkins, participated in choir and was assistant drum major. In 2018 he was named “Graduate Assistant of the Year.”

“College really prepared me for this job because I have essentially already done it all,” Logan said. “I have high expectations for the next year and will strive to make sure my students are successful not only in band, but in life as well.”

Logan said he has prepared for this moment for the last eight years, it just came faster than he thought it would.

“Reality has hit,” Logan said. “I am excited and nervous all at the same time because this is going to be my own program and I have to do what needs to be done to make it great.”

As band director, Logan will be in charge of middle school bands, marching bands, high school bands and more that goes on behind the scenes as an educator. Logan recently went to a ‘Music for All’ symposium in Indiana, on his own will, to learn more tools on how to set up his future students for success.

“I am most excited for the students to just have a good time in a safe environment for them to express their artistic talents and abilities,” Logan said.

Logan said that the standard of excellence with in the program will be maintained and that he will seek to bring it to even greater heights.

“I plan on my students making honor bands or all-state,” Logan said. “But most importantly, I want them to be independent musicians who are not afraid to take on adversity.”