Brundidge sales tax rises
Published 3:00 am Wednesday, June 6, 2018
The Brundidge City received good financial news from Brundidge City Manager Britt Thomas at its Tuesday meeting.
Thomas reported a 30 percent increase in sales tax revenue, totaling $92,649 from October 2017 until April 2018.
Thomas said the increase was related to industrial sales tax.
“That increase is an indication of the impact that industry has on the economy,” he said. “You don’t normally think about sales tax revenue related to industry. But we are very blessed to have the industry that we have here in Brundidge.”
The council considered amendments to the FY2018 budget in the general fund and the utilities fund.
After Thomas reviewed the amendments to the budget, the council voted unanimously in favor of the amendments.
Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport gave a report on his department’s activities during May, which included a rash of burglaries in the city.
Davenport cited burglaries at Crowe’s and the All American Station, both on Main Street, and the Marathon station on U.S. Highway 231. A robbery occurred at that station on East Troy Street.
“Two young men came into the station across from the fire station waving a gun right where a customer was standing. They were real bold,” he said. “They have not been apprehended.’
Davenport said suspects in the incidents have been identified and leads are being followed.
“We are asking the public to be alert to anything suspicious and to report it to the police station,” he said. “Anybody that has information about any of these crimes is asked to report it to the Brundidge Police Department.”
Davenport responded to questions as to why the increase in crimes within the city.
“Drugs – unemployment,” he said. “I say unemployment, but those committing these crimes don’t want to work anyway.”
Randy Harvey expressed concern about the number of crimes, burglaries and drugs that are occurring in the downtown area and near the police station.
“The officers are at the Chevron station when they need to be in town,” he said.
Council Member Byron Gaynor said, too, that the officers need to be “up here where stuff is going on.”
Ernest Wood didn’t deny that Brundidge has some problems with drugs and break-ins, but, he said, “Brundidge is blessed.”
“If you don’t believe it, look at Montgomery,” he said. “We are a blessed town.”
Council Member Betty Baxter suggested that businesses could install cameras as deterrents to crime. She inquired about the cameras that are located at areas around town. The chief said they are operational.
Gaynor asked if the cameras are monitored. Davenport said they are not, but the tapes run continuously and can be viewed.
Mayor Isabell Boyd said it’s not possible to please everyone.
“We might not be able to do everything, but we do our best,” she said.
The Brundidge City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.