House candidates bring political experience

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Whoever comes out as the Republican nominee to represent District 89 on the House of Representatives, it won’t be his first foray into the political arena.

Wes Allen currently serves as Pike County’s probate judge and Marcus Paramore serves as the president of the Troy City Council.

Paramore pointed to his years in a voting capacity as a key distinction in the race.

“I have actually been in a position to cast a vote and get something done,” Paramore said. “I’ve faced some tough issues at the city … Sitting down casting a vote is different than just standing up and saying yay or nay. This is affecting the lives of people in this community. We’ve faced some very controversial issues within council.”

Allen said he has had to stand on principles in his office even if he doesn’t have a voting capacity.

“I took a stand on marriage laws, driven by my personal convictions,” Allen said. “I’ve shown I’m willing to take tough stands, and things are going to come before us, come at us that are going to test us. I’ve been able to prove my leadership. You’ve got to have something that anchors you in this job; I’ve discovered you’re going to be tested and you better have an anchor. For me, it’s my faith in Jesus.”

Allen said coming in without being in the voting sector of the political realm will give him fresh eyes.

“Not being up there every day, I think that’s a positive thing,” Allen said. “I’m going to bring a local-level approach to dealing with people … A lot of politicians are out of touch with the everyday hard-working taxpayer that walks in the courthouse.”

Allen and Paramore each have other ties to Montgomery as well.

Allen’s father, Gerald Allen, represents District 21 in the Alabama Senate.

“I’ve witnessed my dad in the legislature and I’ve worked as liaison for the Probate Judges Association,” Allen said. “I know how (the legislature) works.”

Paramore works in Montgomery through his role as director of governmental relations at Troy University.

“If you understand the rules of the game, you can play their game,” Paramore said. “But I can’t change the rules without getting in there and working your way through the system.”

In addition to advocating for Troy University at the State House, Paramore also worked with former legislator Terry Everett during his term in state congress.

Paramore and Allen will compete in the Republican primary on June 5. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The winner of the primary will face Democratic nominee Joel Lee Williams in the general election.