Gubernatorial candidates in Troy today to talk platforms

Published 10:10 pm Monday, March 19, 2018

Some of the top gubernatorial contenders in the Republican primary will be in Troy today to meet and greet local residents, explain their platforms and answer questions.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for people who haven’t made up their minds yet,” said Donna Horn, president of the Pike County Republican Party. “June is right around the corner even if it doesn’t seem like it. This is a chance to ask how a future governor might respond to a certain situation.”

Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, Alabama Sen. Bill Hightower and evangelist Scott Dawson will all be present for the event. Gov. Kay Ivey was expected to attend as well, but Horn said scheduling conflicts may prevent Ivey from coming.

Spaces are limited, Horn said, with at least 100 people already expected to turn out for the event at the Troy Country Club tonight.

The event will begin at 5 p.m. with a meet and greet and the forum will begin at 6 p.m. The event will also include dinner and pre-submitted questions will be fielded by the candidates.

“We anticipate the candidates speaking about 10 minutes each,” Horn said. “It’s good; especially with some of these candidates being from North Alabama, we might not know as much about them as we should.”

In addition to the candidates for governor, Horn said local candidates and some others seeking statewide office will also be in attendance for the meet and greet, providing another opportunity for attendees to learn about the people running for office.

To RSVP to the event (as long as spaces are available) text 334-372-7815 or email