2-19-18 Police reports
Published 3:00 am Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Arrest Report:
2-16- 2018
Cannon, Darius Shanta, Age 39, N Knox Street, Alias Writ of Arrest, Possession of a Controlled
Substance, and Two Counts of Promote Prison Contraband
Minor arrest Elm Street Possession of Alcohol
Wambles, James Todd, Age 45, County Road 5503, Theft of Property Third Degree
2-17- 2018
Brooks Jr, James Lee, Age 38, Second Avenue, Brundidge, Disorderly Conduct/Disturbing Peace
Reaves, Antobeya Danyell, Age 24, County Road 4409, Brundidge, Expired Tag
Davenport, Braxton Renard, Age 28, Banks Street, Alias Warrant
Berry, Frederick Leterrence, Age 38, N Knox Street, Contempt of Court
Thomas, Anterrio Demond, Age 33, Galloway Road, Brundidge, Contempt of Court
2-18- 2018
Carlton, Jonta Lamons, Age 28, Cactus Lane, Alias Writ of Arrest
Rumlin, Andriant Virnall, Age 36, Windmill Drive, Brundidge, Resisting Arrest, Attempting to
Elude a Police Officer, Obstructing Government Operations, and Alias Writ of Arrest
2-19- 2018
McDonald, Jason Malcolm, Age 29, Segars Court, Harassing Commuications
Nguyen, Vu Quoc, Age 28, S Brundidge Street, Domestic Violence Third Degree/Assault Third
Hollingsworth, Joseph Lane, Age 41, Aldar Point Drive, Montgomery, Two Counts of Alias Writ
of Arrest
Incident Reports:
2-16- 2018
Driving while license revoked on Elba Highway
Domestic Violence Third Degree on US Highway 231
Domestic Violence Third Degree on Northridge Circle
Domestic Dispute on Nat Avenue
2-17- 2018
Harassment – Family and Theft from Residence on Elm Street
Burglary Residence – Force at Sunset Villas Drive
Harassment on Elba Highway
Domestic Dispute on Pierson Street
Harassment on Montgomery Street
Domestic Dispute on County Road 7756
Criminal Mischief Third Degree on E College Street
2-18- 2018
Vehicle Search on Pecan Drive
Lost Property on S Three Notch Street
Domestic Dispute on N Knox Street
Domestic Violence third Degree/Assault on N Knox Street
Domestic Violence Third Degree Harassment and Theft – Miscellaneous on Elba Highway
Suspicious circumstances – unlocking vehicle on US Highway 231
Theft of Article from Auto on Elba Highway
Miscellaneous offenses on N Three Notch Street
Theft of Property Fourth Degree on County Road 5532
Unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle on Willow Way
Unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle on US Highway 231
Domestic Violence Third Degree on Dunbar Drive
Reckless Endangerment on Troy Plaza Loop
Damage to Property on County Road 6641
Domestic – Menacing – Gun on Dunbar Drive
2-19- 2018
Domestic Violence – Harassment on Troy Plaza Looper
Towed Vehicle on Williams Street
Domestic Violence Third Degree on S Brundidge Street
Damage to Property on N Knox Street
Unauthorized Use of Auto on US Highway 231
Criminal Trespass Third Degree on US Highway 231