Education retirees honor retired teachers in Pike County

Published 3:00 am Saturday, November 18, 2017

In conjunction with American Education Week, November 13-17, the Pike County Retirees of the Alabama Education Retirees Association took a leadership role in developing activities for “Retired Teachers Day” on November 14.

“Everyone’s life has been enriched by a retired educator,” said Jean Sasser, president of the Pike County Education Retirees Association. “Even in our retirement years, retired educators continue to touch the lives of those around us by volunteering in the community.”

Sasser said local retired educators support the Pioneer Museum of Alabama, Troy Health and Rehabilitation Center, Troy Public Library and local food banks and schools in a variety of ways including volunteerism throughout the year.

“We are proud to participate in the events honoring education retirees in Troy and Pike County,” she said.

Recognizing the contributions retired educators have made, the Alabama Legislature passed Act. No. 90-183 to honor Alabama’s education retirees. The joint resolution sets aside the Tuesday of American Education Retirees Week each year for recognition of the state’s retired education personnel.

The Pike County Education Retirees Association is just one of 75 local units of the Alabama Education Retirees Association, which represents more than 24,000, retired educators.

The Pike County Education Retirees meet the first Wednesday of each month. New members are always welcome. For more information, call 566-5813.