Kids learn art ‘by the tracks’

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Enrichment is defined as the act of improving or enhancing the quality or value of something.

One mission of the Johnson Center for the Arts in Troy is to enrich the lives of people of all ages through the exposure to a wide variety of art forms.

Wiley White, JCA exhibition coordinator, said in response to requests by parents for art classes for children, the JCA now offers art classes at its “Art by the Tracks” studio across from the art center on Walnut Street.
“Day Barnes is an outstanding art teacher and we are very fortunate to have her teaching art classes for young people two days a week at Art by the Tracks,” White said. “Day has been teaching art to children at the Johnson Center for more than 12 years. She has done much to generate even greater interest in art among children.”

White said, with the Johnson Center just across Walnut Street, the art students have the opportunity to view the exhibits at the Johnson Center.

“We want the children to enjoy doing art and also develop an appreciation for the different art forms that are exhibited year around at the Johnson Center,” she said. “Art by the Tracks is a place where children are exposed to the art forms and then become involved in the visual arts.”

Barnes said the after-school classes include instruction in drawing, painting, pottery and sculpture in a variety of media.

“Students range in age from kindergarten to high school seniors and from public, private and home schools,” she said.

Amanda Ford teaches music class for kids at Art by the Tracks twice a week.

For more information about the Johnson Center activities including children’s art and music classes call 334-670-2287.