CHHS to perform ‘You’re a good man, Charlie Brown’

Published 3:00 am Friday, October 27, 2017

Charlie Brown is a good man. And the Charles Henderson High School theater department will convey to its audiences just how good a man Charlie Brown is in its upcoming production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!” at 7 p.m. Monday, October 30 and Thursday November 2 at the CHHS Cafetorium.

“‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown’ is based on the familiar comic characters,” said Judith Park, CHHS theater teacher and play director. “It’s a short musical with six characters. It gives the audience glimpses from the comic strip – Lucy with her 5-cent psychiatric help booth, Snoopy on the roof of his doghouse talking about birds landing on his stomach and the Little Red-Haired Girl, the object of Charlie Brown’s affection who is never shown.”

And there’s Schroeder who wants to write a new song for Beethoven Day and more snippets from the life of Charlie Brown.

“Although others keep telling Charlie Brown that he’s a good man, he doesn’t think of himself that way,” Park said. “But during the play, he gains more confidence. That’s the plot line of the play.”

Charlie Brown is played by Jacob Brooks, Sally Brown by Nelsey Leverette, Lucy by  Reagan Gross, Linus by Logan Wilson, Schroeder by Seth Manning and Snoopy by Ingrid Lieb.

The stage manager for “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” is Ricardo Valencia. He is assisted by Michael McCord. Cait Ryan and Bricelyn Green will operate the soundboard and Kadaja Hill will operate the lights.

The CHHS Theater Department will compete on the district level with “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” at the Theater Festival in Opelika in November. The winners at the festival will have an opportunity to compete on the state level at the University of North Alabama in Florence.

“In addition to ‘Charlie Brown,’ we will have students to compete at the Theater Festival as individuals and in groups and also as playwrights,” Park said. “We have had several winners in the past and some to win first place at state. We are looking forward to presenting ‘You’re a Good Man Charlie, Brown’ at CHHS and at the Theater Festival.”

But first, the cast and crew of “Charlie Brown” are excited to take the stage in front home audiences. Everyone is invited to the premier production of “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown,” at 7 p.m. Monday and Thursday nights at the CHHS Cafetorium. Admission is free.