EMA director to resign
Published 3:00 am Saturday, September 2, 2017
EMA Director Jeanna Barnes will be resigning from her position next week after XX years in the office.
Barnes released a statement Thursday stating that she has submitted her resignation to the county, which will take effect on September 7.
County administrator Harry Sanders declined to comment ahead of a special meeting regarding personnel that has been called for Wednesday, September 6.
In order to remain eligible for an emergency management performance grant, the county will need to name a new EMA director within 30 days of Barnes’ resignation.
Barnes said she would be resigning due to personal medical reasons.
Barnes thanked many of the people she worked with during her tenure in her statement.
“I would like to thank the mayors of Troy, Brundidge, Goshen, and Banks; Sheriff Russell Thomas, Troy Police Chief Randall Barr, Troy University Police Chief McCall, Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport and Troy Fire Chief Michael Stephens and all of the Volunteer Fire Chiefs; Dr. Mark Bazzell of Pike County Schools, Dr. Lee Hicks of troy City Schools and Becky Baggett at Pike Liberal Arts School; and the team at Troy Regional Medical Center for their support and teamwork in our efforts to keep Pike County prepared for disasters.,” Barnes said.
“I would also like to personally thank Commissioner Robin Sullivan and Commissioner Jimmy Barron for their support and guidance in my time with the Pike County EMA. Lastly, and most importantly, to the citizens of Pike County– thank you for your support through social media and other outlets. I will certainly miss interacting with all of you, even the 3 a.m. questions about severe weather.”
The special personnel meeting will be held upstairs at the Pike County Health Department at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6.