8 SECONDS: Local ‘celebs’ take their shot at bull-riding

Published 3:00 am Saturday, August 26, 2017

Troy University baseball player Rush Hixon took first place in the Pike County Cattlemen’s Celebrity Bull Ride at Santa Fe Steak House Friday and his coach Brad Phillips took third place giving the Trojans a 1-3 standing in the competition.

Cattleman James Ketchum took second place in the highly contested Celebrity Bull Ride that was a promotional event for the Pike County Cattlemen’s 25th Annual Rodeo, which opened Friday night at Cattleman Park.

“This was our second Celebrity Bull Ride and we plan to make it an annual event,” said B.B. Palmer, president of the Pike County Cattlemen’s Association. “It’s a great way to generate interest in the rodeo and it’s a fun event. We had more bull riders and a larger audience this year than last and we’ll have even more next year.”

Palmer said any one of the cowboys or cowgirls could have won the mechanical bull ride and anyone of them could have lost it.

“It was close,” he said, laughing. “We appreciate all of those who competed and all of those who came to watch. We all had a good time. We invite everybody to come out to the Pike County Cattlemen’s Rodeo tonight and enjoy the fun and excitement of rodeo.”

Tonight’s rodeo will get underway early with the Western Festival for kids. The gates will open at 4 p.m. The festival will feature mutton busting, steer roping, stick horse races and other events for kids. Admission to the Western Festival is good for admission to the rodeo, which begins at 7:30 p.m.

The rodeo features bareback bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, tie-down calf roping, steer wrestling, team roping, breakaway roping, barrel racing and bull riding.

And there’s mechanical bull riding for rodeo fans that want to be challenged.

Vendors have a variety of western items for sale. There’s a petting zoo and pony rides for the kids and wagon rides for everyone. A huge steer is available for photographs.

A memorial tribute will be made to Betty Hixon, a longtime member of the Pike County Cattlewomen’s Association.  She was also a member of Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association and served as its president.”

Rodeo tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the gate. Children ages 12 and under are admitted free with their parents.

Advance tickets are still available at Piggly Wiggly in Troy and Brundidge, Don Walker’s Western Wear, Troy Bank & Trust main location and Banks Buy-Rite