TOP READERS: Troy Public Library honors most proficient summer readers
Published 4:00 am Thursday, July 27, 2017
Dani Daniel and Penelope Earnest were honored as the Troy Public Library’s top readers in their age divisions for the 2017 Summer Reading Program Tuesday night at the celebration party at Xtreme Athletics.
Dani took top honors in the Young Adults division and Penelope in the Juvenile readers.
Dani, who is no stranger to top reading awards, read 59 books for a total of 37, 237 pages. Penelope read 192 books, totaling 24,154 pages.
“Those who participate in the Summer Reading Program must read age-appropriate books,” said Teresa Colvin, TPL children and young adult librarian. “Dani and Penelope are avid readers. They read because they enjoy reading. The read for pleasure and they read to learn.
“Dani is a senior at Charles Henderson High School this year and this was her last summer as a participant in the TPL summer reading program,” Colvin said. “She has been a part of our Summer Reading Program for several years. We will miss her but I’m sure she will not be a stranger to the Troy Public Library. We wish her all the best. Colvin said Penelope, like Dani, is a dedicated reader and “will be another Dani kind of reader.”
Colvin congratulated the top readers in all age divisions and expressed appreciation to their parents for their support.
“So often, parents are the ones who instill the love of books and the love of reading in children,” she said. “Troy has, I think, the best library in the state and we have the most supportive and encouraging parents anywhere. For 22 years, it has been my joy to see children as they grow as readers. Children who are ‘readers’ do better academically than those who do not read. It is a joy to see children and young adults come to the library because it is where they want to be, because they know the joy of reading.”
Colvin presented each of the top readers in the TPL Summer Reading Program with a medal, a certificate and a goodie bag. They were treated to a party and then encouraged to “Go do something Xtreme!”
The top readers for the TPL Summer Reading Program are: Ages four and five: John Newman, first place; Piper Kilpatrick, second; and Savannah Grace Henderson, third place.
Age six: Joe Drinkwater, first place; Gideon Sutton, second place.
Age seven: John Mark Challancin, first place and Sofia Aelterman, second place.
Age eight: Penelope Earnest, first place and Alex Asher, second place.
Age nine: Lola Drinkwater, first place and Edward Aelterman, swecond place.
Age 10: Brodee Asher, first place and Ava Leverett, second plalce.
Age 11: Slade Kilpatrick, first place and Carl Knight, Jr. second place.
In the Young Adult division, Dani Daniel took first place followed by Princess Wright, second place and Ashur Cates, third place.