American Legion Post 70 to hold Memorial Day service

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, May 24, 2017

American Legion Post 70 and Auxiliary Unit 70 in Troy will hold their annual Memorial Day Service at 11 a.m. Monday at Bicentennial Park.

Otis Stone, Post chaplain, said the guest speaker will be Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Emily E. Shade.

“Chief Slade is the director of the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Research Institute and Enlisted Hall at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery,” Stone said. “We are extremely fortunate to have Chief Slade as our featured speaker.”

Slade is the principle advisor to Air Force senior leaders regarding enlisted heritage and history matters. She oversees the development of the heritage and history chapters of the Air Force Professional Development Guide and the Airman’s Manual used by over 100,000 active duty guard and reserve Airmen.

“Chief Slade also manages the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Hall, which is a one of a kind museum that educates more than 25,000 visitors annually on Air Force enlisted history,” Stone said. “Chief Slade has served at air bases in several states and in Washington D.C. as well as in Germany and in Turkey. She has received many awards and recognitions and what she will share with us will be enlightening and meaningful.”

The Memorial Day Service will include special music, the dedication of American flags in memory and honor of Pike County veterans and the placing of the Memorial Wreath.

“The names of veterans who lost their lives in service to their country during wartime will be read,” Stone said. “We will especially honor Gold Star Mothers in attendance.”

The service will include with the echoing of “Taps.”

“The public is invited and encouraged to attend as the American Legion and Auxiliary honor those who have given their lives while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States,” Stone said.