Salvation Army board discusses events

Published 3:00 am Thursday, May 18, 2017

Empty Bowls, Red Kettles and canned foods were the major topics of discussion at the Tuesday meeting of the Pike County Salvation Army’s board of directors.

Donna McLaney-Jones, social service assistant, reported that the 2017 Empty Bowls Luncheon fundraiser in April was a tremendous success with $12,180 raised, which topped last year’s fundraiser by one thousand dollars.

“Community participation was very good and we had a large selection of handmade bowls for supporters to choose from,” McLaney-Jones said. “All the bid bowls were sold and that boosted our total.

“Empty Bowls 2017 was a wonderful event. We had a variety of delicious soups and chilies and great entertainment by Rev. Ed Shirley.

“We thank our sponsors, our bowl makers, those who donated items for our luncheon, our volunteers, Bush Memorial for the use of the fellowship hall and all those who attended. The money that was raised will be used to help those in our community in their times of need.”

McLaney-Jones introduced Steve and Tamara Stephens, who have volunteered to head the Salvation Army’s 2017 Red Kettle fundraising campaign. She pledged the board’s support of their efforts throughout the fundraising season.

The non-perishable food items that were donated to the local Letter Carriers “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive on Saturday were donated to the Salvation Army Service Center in Troy.

“The items will go a long way in keeping our Salvation Army food pantry well stocked,” McLaney-Jones said. “We can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to our letter carriers for choosing the Salvation Army in Troy for this generous donation. There are people here in our community that will benefit from the ‘Stamp Our Hunger Food Drive.’”

The Salvation Army Service Center is now accepting applications for Hidden Lake Summer Camp near Jackson, Mississippi.

“The camp is for ages 8 through 12 and it’s free,” McLaney-Jones said. ‘The deadline to apply is May 30. It’s a great summer camp with Christian Bible study at its center and offers most of the same activities as other summer camps.”

Parents who are interested in knowing more about Hidden Lake Summer Camp may stop by the Salvation Army Service Center and Thrift Store at 509 South Brundidge Street in Troy or call 334-808-1069.