Troy Arts Council to host community band Monday

Published 3:00 am Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Troy Arts Council will present the Southeast Alabama Community Band in concert at 6 p.m. Monday at the Claudia Crosby Theater. The concert is free and open to the public.

This extremely popular annual concert will bring the TAC’s 2016-2017 performance calendar to a close on a high note.

Joel Williams, TAC president, said the Southeast Alabama Community Band Concert is a longstanding tradition and an opportunity for the Pike County community to hear some of the areas most accomplished musicians under one roof.

“These musicians, 60 of them, come from all walks of life and from all across the area,” Williams said. “They have been practicing for a year for this concert. The Southeast Alabama Community Band was formed by Dr. Johnny Long in 2001. Because of Dr. Long’s legacy, the band brings together the a group of tremendously outstanding musicians who have been playing for decades.”

The Southeast Alabama Community Band will be under the director of James Smith, who will lead the band in marches, overtures and perhaps a pop tune or two. Smith was the assistant conductor of the Southeast Alabama Community Band during Dr. Long’s tenure. He has more than 40 years experience in conducting high school, college and professional bands.

The band plays a variety of music consisting of traditional overtures, Broadway show tunes, marches and other selections featuring instrumentalists and vocal soloists.

The band members represent many professions including band directors, school administrators, businessmen and women, university professors, a Sports Hall of Fame announcer, a minister and law enforcement officers. The military is represented with former members of the Army, Navy, Marines and the Air Force, including two full-retired colonels.

They represent many universities and colleges including Troy University, the University of Alabama, Jacksonville State, Florida State, University of Southern Mississippi, and University of Michigan.

“The band members are all outstanding, dedicated musicians,” Long said. “Now that I’m not directing the band, I can say that it is the best community band that I’ve ever heard.”

The concert will be about an hour in length. Admission is free.