ART SHOW: University holds TroyFest art show

Published 3:00 am Friday, April 28, 2017

Messenger photo/Jaine Treadwell
The “Elliptical Burger” painting in the Troy University Student Art Expo is so realistic that Mary Hobdy rushed right out to buy her favorite burger.

The Troy University Student Art Expo is now showing at the Johnson Center for the Arts in Troy.

The show is featured in the lower gallery of the JCA and will be open for viewing during TroyFest on Saturday, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Wiley White, exhibits coordinator, said the exhibit features artwork by the students of several faculty members of the Troy University Art Department including Sara Dismukes, Larry Percy, Russell Everett, Irby Pace, Pam Allen, Greg Skaggs and Beverly Leach.

“When visiting the Troy University Student Art Expo, you realize immediately how tremendously talented the students are and the outstanding quality of instruction they receive,” White said.

The show features sculptures, watercolors, acrylics ink drawings and computer-generated art.

“It is amazing what these students have created,” White said. “And, there is such variety in their subject matter. I have viewed the exhibit several times and each time it is just as interesting and exciting. It’s a happy exhibit.”

Much of the artwork is whimsical. However, White said there are several thought-provoking pieces and some pieces you just want to hug such as Xinyuan Yu’s ‘Peace Offering,’ which depicts a pup with flowers and sorrowful eyes.

“There are several cardboard sculptures in the show and some found object sculptures that let you know that sculptures can be created from most any objects,” White said.

“It’s all so well done and it will be a don’t miss event at TroyFest this weekend,” she said.

Also on exhibit at the Johnson Center for the Arts is the countywide student art show, which is featured in the upper gallery.

Admission to the JCA is free. The public is invited