‘Come Home’ play returns to stage

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Performers are practicing for Alabama’s Official Folklife Play. Pictured: Miss Thelma (Mary Bray) gives Olin (Brady Singleton) a much-deserved switchin. The other Young’uns are Abby Porter, Kylie Redmon, Audra Law, Emma Strickland and Avery Kinson.

The Brundidge Historical Society will present the spring season of Alabama’s Official Folklife Play, “Come Home, It’s Suppertime” April 7 and 8 and 13 and 14 at the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge.

Mernette Bray, play committee chair, said the folklife play is traditionally held the first two weeks in April and the first two weeks in November.

“This year, the second weekend in April is Easter weekend so we will not have a performance on the second Saturday,” Bray said. “We are excited about the spring season and are welcoming several new cast members to the stage. New members always bring a different perspective to the play.

“And, some of our veteran cast members are taking on new roles this spring and we are looking forward to seeing them portray different characters. We are having a good time at practice and are anxious for opening night.”

Tickets for “Come Home, It’s Suppertime” are the best ticket in town, Bray said.

“We are keeping our ticket price at $25 and that includes the pre-show entertainment, a full country supper with dessert and our original folklife play,” Bray said.

“The mission of the Brundidge Historical Society is to preserve and promote the physical and cultural heritage of our community. We don’t know of a better way to do that than to tell the stories of the people who lived them while sitting around the supper table.

“We take great pride in our theater; it’s unique. Storyteller Andy Offutt Irwin said the We Piddle Around Theater is what the Cracker Barrel tries to be. I don’t think we could get a better compliment than that.

“If you haven’t been to the We Piddle Around Theater, please come. If you have been, you’re welcome back.”

Tickets for the spring production of “Come Home, It’s Suppertime” are available by calling 334-344-9427 or 685-5524.