Pray for Troy is today

Published 3:00 am Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Troy University student initiated a campus-wide prayer event that will be held tonight at the amphitheater.

The event’s creator, Katie Breland, said she came back from a conference in January inspired to reach her campus with the “love of Jesus.”

Breland said the idea to make the event a time of prayer came from Jason Durant, lead pastor at Troy Church, who will be giving a short message on prayer during the event.

“Jason was doing a sermon series on prayer and I wanted to commit for praying for my school,” Breland said. “I believe that prayer is a powerful thing and it is crucial that we pray for our university.”

Durant said Breland contacted him a couple months ago about organizing the event, which he said was an easy decision. “That was an easy one,” Durant said. Durant said the event gives the students an opportunity to come together and pray in the midst of a world full of hurt. “We live in a world where there’s a lot of hurt and brokenness and in all of that, God promises if we’re his people and we ask him things with the right motives, he’ll go to work for us.”

Breland’s sister will also be travelling from Nashville to lead the students in worship and students Emily Tew and Sarah Singletary will lead the group in prayer.

Dean Brewster, president of the Universities Activities Council, and Janice Hawkins also helped with the event.

The event starts at 8 p.m. at the Troy Amphitheater and will last an hour.