Council bans trucks from Oak Park

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Trucks are no longer allowed to drive on Oak Park Drive as the City Council passed an ordinance disallowing trucks from the residential area.

The council also passed an ordinance that would keep trucks from travelling on Enzor Road unless they have a destination or origination point along the road. That will have to be approved by the Pike County Commission, however, as Enzor road is a county road.

Officials said the ordinance maintains the integrity of the road and keeps residents safe from truck traffic.

Melissa Sanders, planning and zoning administrator, said the ordinance regarding Enzor Road would protect commercial, agricultural and farming businesses on the road.

The trucks banned by the ordinance are defined as being 50 feet or longer or having a transportation capacity of one and a half tons or more. Sanders said the ordinance exempts pickup trucks, emergency vehicles and public vehicles.

In other business the council:

• Approved a resolution giving Mayor Jason Reeves the authority to contract with Troy University to purchase some footage of the city for use in advertisements. The projected cost is $8,000 to $9,000.

• Awarded a bid for $38,000 for the Troy Fire Department to purchase rescue tools including “Jaws of Life.”

• Approved the submission of a report on the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention program.a credit lien for the Troy Hospital Healthcare Authority.

The council’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28 at City Hall.