JCA receives $50K from Daniel Foundation

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Johnson Center for the Arts in Troy has received a $50,000 grant from the Daniel Foundation of Alabama. The funds will be used to launch the JCA’s after-school art, theater and drama workshop programs.

“We are deeply grateful to the Daniel Foundation for making these funds available to the Johnson Center for the Arts,” said Vicki Pritchett, JCA executive director.  “The Daniel Foundation is dedicated to its mission of strengthening communities within Alabama and improving the quality of life for citizens from all regions of Alabama. That is the like mission of the Johnson Center for the Arts, only on a more local level. This grant will make it possible for the Johnson Center to improve the quality of life in Troy and Pike County by providing art, theater and drama opportunities to our citizens.”

Pritchett said the Daniel Foundation Grant is a matching grant and was awarded in 2015.

“We received an extension of the grant in order to give us more time to raise the $50,000 matching funds,” she said. “Thanks to a $20,000 grant from the Chapman Foundation, a $20,000 contribution from Troy Bank & Trust and a $15,000 facilities grant from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, we were able to provide the match for the Daniel Foundation grant.”

The after-school art, theater and drama workshops will be offered in partnership with the Troy University Theater and Dance department.

“Tori Lee-Averett, department chair, will design the after-school curriculum and she will select art and drama education students who will serve internships,” Pritchett said. “There are no theater and drama programs in grades one through eight in our county. These workshops will be tremendous assets to our students who have interests in these areas and also to our schools because it will give students access to another form of the arts.”

Pritchett said the grant funds also will make it possible for the Johnson Center to purchase the necessary equipment for the after-school classes and productions at The Studio, which is located on East Walnut Street in downtown Troy, just across from the JCA.