Pike County BOE considers bids for new academic center

Published 3:00 am Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Pike County Board of Education met Monday night with the possibility of accepting the bid for the construction of the Center for Advanced Academic and Accelerate Learning. However, the board tabled the  agenda item and will instead consider the bid for the construction at a called meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, February 27 in the boardroom at the Central Office, at 101 W. Love Street in Troy.

In new business, the board took care of housekeeping items in addition to adopting a policy for suicide awareness and prevention and uniform guidance for federal programs.

In other new business, the board:

• Approved permission for Banks Middle School’s fifth- and sixth-grade classes and teachers to travel to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta on May 9. Expenses will be paid by Banks School.

• Approved permission for 26 students and Seth Wilcox and George Stringer to attend and compete in the 2017 Alabama SkillsUSA Leadership Conference, February 10 at Wallace State in Dothan.  The board will provide school bus and driver.

• Approved permission for Sharon Sullivan to attend MEGA Conference, July 11-14 in Mobile.

• Approved permission for three students and Teresa Webb to attend the HOSA State Leadership Conference February 23 and 24 in Montgomery. The board will provide school bus and driver.

• Approved permission for Julie Simmons to attend the Career Tech Spring Director’s Conference, April 19-22 in Perdido Beach. Expenses will be paid with Perkins funding.

• Approved retroactive  permission for the Goshen High School math department –19 students and three faculty members –to travel to and compete in the math tournament on February 3 in Enterprise. The board will pay for the school bus and driver.

• Approved permission for Brooke Terry to attend the Child Nutrition Director’s Spring Conference and the Alabama School Nutrition Association’s meeting on March 2-4 in Birmingham. The expenses will be paid by the Child Nutrition Program.

• Approved permission for Aretha Jackson, Carolyn Wilson, Deborah Sessions, Virginia Rodgers, Sara Wilson, Annie Reynolds and Karen Langston to attend the Alabama School Nutrition Association’s meeting, March 3 and 4 in Birmingham. The expenses will be paid by the Child Nutrition Program.

• Approved permission for the Goshen Elementary School fifth-grade students to travel to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville on March 21. The board will donate $500 toward the cost of the trip.

In personnel business, the board:

• Accepted the resignation of Kristen Growder, SPED aide at Goshen Elementary School, effective January 17.

• Accepted the resignation of Joshua Coates, bus driver, effective February 17.

• Approved family medical leave for Phyllis Rodgers, custodian, Banks.

• Approved transfer of Angela Arthur from part-time SPED aide to full time SPED at         Goshen Elementary School.

• Approved employment of Ashleigh DeSandro, part-time SPED aide at Goshen Elementary School.

• Approved volunteer status for Jesse Webb, Goshen High School, baseball.

• Approved volunteer status for Talon O’fearghail, archery, Banks.