Troy council meets

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Troy City Council approved the purchase of a new heart monitor for the Troy Fire Department on Tuesday to keep the department in line with state EMS standards.

The new monitor cost the city $28,000, the price offered by the only supplier that responded to the city’s bid.

The council also approved for the fire department to declare an older monitor as surplus so they can get a rebate on the new monitor.

David Herskowitz, a representative from Eagle Solar Energy, spoke to the council during the work session about getting a tax abatement confirmed for a potential project in Pike County.

Herskowitz said the industry would employ up to 500 people in its construction phase and then two to five people once it is completed.

Herskowitz said that noise and smell are not issues with the solar power plant, so it would not have an effect on property values nearby.

The council will take action on the proposed tax abatement at the next council meeting an Herskowitz will be continuing to discuss matters related to zoning and regulations with the city if the council decides to move forward with the tax abatement.

The council also discussed a first draft of a proposed agreement by Troy University concerning a joint training facility for the university and CGI.

The facility was used for training current and new employees of both CGI and Troy University.

Last year, however, CGI had the opportunity to bring over 100 more jobs to Troy and the decision was made to utilize the joint training facility as desk space for the new workers.

The rent that is now paid for using that building will help retire the debt sooner, Reeves said. The city still needs to provide a joint training facility though, which is why the new agreement was drafted.

Reeves said that the city’s attorneys and others will look at it and find any changes that need to be made before bringing it back in front of the council.

The next meeting of the Troy City Council will be Tuesday, February 14. The work session will be held upstairs at 4 p.m. with the business meeting following at 5 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.