Pike County BOE honored at reception

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools praised his board as “the best in the state” at a reception in the board’s honor Monday. The reception was held prior to the board’s regular January meeting at the Pike County Board of Education Central Office and in conjunction with School Board Recognition Month. Pictured from left, board members, Dr. Clint Foster, Earnest Green, Wyman Botts, Dr. Greg Price, Bazzell, Linda Steed and Chris Wilkes.

Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools praised his board as “the best in the state” at a reception in the board’s honor Monday. The reception was held prior to the board’s regular January meeting at the Pike County Board of Education Central Office and in conjunction with School Board Recognition Month. Pictured from left, board members, Dr. Clint Foster, Earnest Green, Wyman Botts, Dr. Greg Price, Bazzell, Linda Steed and Chris Wilkes.

The members of the Pike County School Board were honored with a reception Monday afternoon at the Pike County Board of Education Central Office prior to the board’s regular January board meeting. The board members were honored for their service to the children of Pike County.

Pike County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bazzell said although he probably sounded like a broken record, he does have the best school board in the state.

“When I sit and listen to other superintendents talk about the turmoil they face with their boards and know we don’t have any problems, I really appreciate the board trusting me and our staff,” he said. “We do have the best board in the state and I am very appreciative of their support and hard work.”

Headlining the new business agenda was Bazzell’s report on the purchase/closing on the 15-acre Mockingbird Land property and the board’s approval of the final plans for the Center for Advanced Academic and Accelerated Learning planned for that site.

The board also approved the formation of committees to study the expansion of STEM initiatives down to grades two through four.

In other new business, the board:

• Approved permission to create a Transition Services teacher position for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year. The position is to be funded by the Alabama Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and the PCBOE General Fund.

• Approved permission for Pike County High School band students, Emily Caple, Zylon Guilford and Tracy Person and band director James Oliver to attend the 2017 Southeastern United States Honor Band and Clinic, February 2-4 at Troy University.

• Approved permission for Pam Franklin to attend the Alabama Community Education Association Annual Conference, March 7-10 in Orange Beach. Expenses to be paid by Indian Education funds.

• Approved permission for Kaye Phillips, Renee Cortner and Cheryl Watson to attend the Alabama Autism Conference, February 24 in Tuscaloosa. Expenses will be paid by IDEA funds and Goshen High School.

• Approved permission for Dr. Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Association of School Personnel Administrators Conference, February 15-17 in Montgomery. Expenses will be paid through Title II funds.

• Approved permission for the technology department to dispose and surplus old technology items as listed on the spreadsheet.

• Approved permission for Shantell Rouse to attend the Assistant Principal’s Conference on February 8 and 9 in Prattville.

• In personnel action, the board:

• Approved the employment of Elizabeth Crawley, transition teacher, contingent on the execution of contract.

• Approved the re-employment of Kelvin Larkin, bus driver.

• Approved the employment of Jesse Webb, special education aide at Goshen Elementary School.

• Approved volunteer status for Laken Maulden Pike County High School, softball.