Oh, man: What a festival! Storytelling tickets on sale now

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Tickets are now on sale for the 2017 Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival and “Oh, man, what a festival” it will be.

The Brundidge Historical Society’s 11th annual storytelling festival will feature four of the top storytellers in the country and, this year, they all happen to be male tellers.

Again, Don Davis, the Dean of Storytelling, will headline the Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival with Josh Goforth and Michael Reno Harrell back by popular demand. A new voice at the festival, but not to storytelling, will be Adam Booth who brought audiences to their feet at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee.

“We had so many requests to bring Josh and Michael back and we’re so excited to be able to get Adam Booth, a fantastic teller from Shepherdstown, West Virginia,” said Cathie Steed, the BHS ticket chair. “And, as long as Donald Davis will keep coming back, he has a reservation. And, with these four, oh, man, it is going to be a great festival.”

The 2017 Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival will kick off on Friday night, January 27 with supper and stories at the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge and continue with three storytelling concerts at the Trojan Center Theater on the campus of Troy University on Saturday, January 28.

“Tickets for supper and stories at the We Piddle Around Theater are first offered as a weekend package and many of those tickets were purchased at last year’s festival,” Steed said. “We only have a very few of the weekend tickets left.”

The storytelling concerts at the Trojan Center Theater on Saturday are at 10 a.m. ($10) and 2 ($15) and 6:30 p.m. ($10). Saturday all day tickets are $30.

“Each of the storytellers will be on stage at each concert and they will tell different stories at each concert,” Steed said. “So, you can come and stay all day and be well entertained. You’ll laugh until your sides split and then you’ll get a lump in your throat. That’s the magic of storytelling.”

Preshow entertainment will begin 30 minutes prior to the storytelling concerts. The Lighthouse String Ensemble, The Benton Brothers and Company and The Hendersons will be the featured groups.

The preshow entertainment alone is worth the price of the ticket, Steed said.

“Each year, the Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival features four of the nation’s top storytellers. The National Storytelling Festival is the Granddaddy of all storytelling festivals and all of these tellers have been on the stage there.”

Tickets are available by calling 334-344-9427 or 334-670-6302 or 685-5524. Tickets are also available at The Messenger.