Pike BOE approves personnel changes

Published 3:00 am Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Pike County Board of Education met Monday and approved an agenda of new business and personnel changes.

The board approved permission for Dr. Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development Fall conference, Oct. 23-26 in Birmingham.

Permission was granted for Cindy Boswell to attend the CLAS Secretaries Conference Nov. 29 and 30 in Birmingham and the Chalkable Annual Conference January 17-20 in Pointe Clear.

Approval was also given for Wanda Corley to attend the Alabama Association of Elementary School Administrators Fall Leadership Conference, Oct. 23-26 in Birmingham.

In personnel action, the board:

• Approved maternity leave for Ansley Godwin, Nov. 14-Dec. 16.

• Accepted the resignation of Kristie Garner, English, Goshen High School, retroactive to Oct. 12.

• Accepted the resignation of Melissa Davis, SPED aide, Pike County Elementary School, retroactive to Oct. 3.

• Approved the resignation of Betsy Paul, ARI Aide, Banks, retroactive to Oct. 7

• Approved the employment of Susan Maddox, kindergarten aide, PCES.

• Approved the employment of Frankie Hubbard, sixth greade teacher, PCES/

• Approved the employment of Pamela Jaye Robinson, English teacher, Goshen High School.

• Approved the  employment of Annie Fenn, SPED aide, PCES.

• Approved the employment of Michael Dunn, bus driver.

• Approved the employment of Paige Gray, bus driver.

• Approved the voluntary transfer of Tomika Perry, aide GES to ARI aide, Banks

• Approved permission to continue stipends for LCD/MDC coaches LaToya Gray and Cheryl Watson.

• Approved volunteer status for Cynthia Savage, GHS band.

• Approved volunteer status for Whitley Golson, PCHS football.