Plan shares 16 ways to revitalize downtown

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The newly released Downtown Plan contains 16 strategies to revitalize Downtown Troy over the next 10 years.

The strategies are categorized into five different elements: promotion, vitality, appearance, movement and linkages.

The appearance category includes four strategies.

The first strategy calls for the establishment of mini-districts downtown. The section points out that municipal government, county government, commercial retail and cultural arts are already clustered in locations.

Another strategy suggests keeping a record of infill development opportunities and pursuing private investment in the properties.

“These sites are currently holes, or voids, in the fabric of downtown that present a decayed appearance and detract from the overall downtown experience. Infill development benefits all businesses in downtown by a solid and safe street frontage, eliminating deteriorating structures, and bringing a new retail or public use to the area.”

Examples include the conversion of a deteriorated building on Walnut Street between Oak Street and Market Street into a pocket park and café with outdoor dining.

Another example shows the construction of a new building on a vacant lot that would hold retail on the bottom floor and office or residential space on the second floor overlooking a courtyard.

The third strategy proposes the development of design guidelines and a façade improvement program.

Included as minimum design guidelines are:

  • Maximizing window area and avoiding clutter,
  • Recessing entrances,
  • Using compatible signage and awnings,
  • Avoiding painting unpainted masonry,
  • Protecting character-defining elements, and
  • Using compatible colors consistently.

The final strategy is to “execute a streetscaping program that creates a walkable community while promoting economic activity.”

The priority according to the plan is the streetscaping of Three Notch Street, Elm Street, Murphree Street and Montgomery Street.

South Brundidge Street, Madison Street, Academy Street and College Street are also designated as image corridors to improve.

The improvement of the first four streets is one of the top priorities listed in the whole plan.

On streets where planting trees is not possible, it is suggested that a program be implemented to plant street trees on private property for free if the property owner agrees to care for the tree once planted.

The strategy also proposes extending pedestrian-level lighting two blocks out around the Square.

The full Downtown Plan can be viewed at

Thursday is the last day to make a public comment on the plan.

To request a physical copy of the plan, to make a comment, or to request more information contact Melissa Sanders by calling 334-670-6058 or by sending an email to