REPORTS FILED: Municipal candidates log income, expenses

Published 3:00 am Thursday, August 18, 2016



Of the 21 candidates running for office in Troy and Brundidge, only nine have submitted campaign finance reports to the Pike County Probate Judge Office.

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Five candidates filed optional waivers to report that they did not meet the threshold to require reporting, and the remaining seven candidates had not filed any reports as of Tuesday afternoon.

According to guidelines retrieved from the Alabama secretary of state’s website, candidates must file campaign finance reports each of the four weeks before an election if campaign contributions or expenditures exceed $1,000. Failure to do so could result in forfeiture of the election and a criminal conviction if prosecuted.

Candidates who do not meet the $1,000 threshold are not required to file reports.

Troy mayoral candidate Jason Reeves and Brundidge mayoral candidate Cynthia Pearson have filed the most reports of all candidates with four reports each.

Reeves’s reports show $21,150 in campaign contributions and $21,694.67 in expenditures. The majority of the expenditures went to advertising, with $3,000 going to administration of the campaign.

Reeves received a $200 donation from Troy Nissan, a $5,000 donation from Driscoll Colquitt, a $500 donation from Rainer and Vonda Cotter, a $200 donation from Jo Harrell, donations of $2,500 and $1,000 from Grady Reeves, a $2,500 donation from N. J. Cevera, a $500 donation from Anthony and Vicki Everage, a $100 donation from Bobby Drinkard, a $350 donation from Bob and Mary Whaley, a $100 donation from John and Mary Long, a $200 donation from Ben and Jennifer Dunn, a $500 donation from William Hopper, a $1,000 donation from Russell and Jodi Thomas, a $500 donation from Rhett Butler, a $500 donation from Mack and Mary Gibson, a $1,000 donation from Sherrill Crowe and a $3,000 donation from himself.

Troy mayoral candidate Raymond Sexton filed two reports to show $933.16 in expenditures. Expenses were mostly advertising costs, plus $53 in fuel costs. He did not report receiving any contributions.

Troy mayoral candidate Olanda Hardy did not file any reports.

Pearson received a total of $2,450 in contributions and spent about $1,800. Pearson herself contributed the most to her campaign with a $1,600 contribution. She also received a $150 donation from Hank Strother, a $200 donation from Bertha Presley and a $500 donation from Designing for America PAC. Expenses were primarily for advertising. Pearson also paid the $50 qualifying fee and $30 on fuel.

Brundidge mayoral candidate Lawrence Bowden donated $1,000 to his campaign and also received a $500 donation from Don Johnston Jr. and $425 in miscellaneous donations. He has spent $999.94 on the campaign for advertising and the $50 qualifying fee.

Brundidge mayoral candidates Jamie Powell, Isabell Boyd, Johnny Ross and Charlie Harris all filed waivers. Both Powell and Boyd also filed reports showing no income or expenditures.

Brundidge District 4 candidate Jimmy Ramage loaned $1,997.02 to his campaign to cover the entirety of his expenditures. He also received two other donations of $50. All expenses were marked for advertising.

Brundidge District 4 candidate Byron Gaynor filed a report to show $140 in expenditures. The expenditures were not listed.

None of the candidates in the race for the Brundidge District 5 seat– Chris Foster, James Jones and Ira Lampley – filed any reports.

Troy District 1 candidate Robert Jones filed three reports to show $1,048.94 in expenditures, all for advertising. He did not report receiving any donations.

The other District 1 candidates Anthony Jackson, Matthew Jordan, Clarence Scott and Mary Helen Collins did not file any reports. Collins filed two waivers.

Troy District 5 candidate Wanda Moultry took out a $1,500 loan from First National Bank and received $300 in in-kind contributions from Ideal Graphics. Moultry spent $1,300 on advertising and $200 on fuel.

Incumbent District 5 candidate Dejerilyn King Henderson did not file any reports.