TCS, PLAS students return to class
Published 3:00 am Thursday, August 11, 2016

Students in Ms. Kelly Moore’s Pre-K class gather for a picture on their first day back at the Hank Jones Early Childhood Education Center.
Pictured, from left, are Wesley Coleman, Tyler Johnson, Jay Carter, Parker Precise and Connor Gillo.
Troy City Schools kicked off the 2016-2017 school year on Wednesday, and Superintendent Lee Hicks said that it’s off to a good start.
“Everything went extremely well,” Hicks said. “It was a great first day for everyone. It seemed like the traffic flowed very well at all three schools. We have some new teachers that are excited to get started and we’re returning some great teachers as well.”
Joanna Taylor, assistant principal at Troy Elementary school echoed that sentiment.
“We had so many smiling faces, laughing babies and happy teachers,” Taylor said. “Everybody was happy to see each other again. Everything went smoothly and we had a lot of fun learning together.”
Pike Liberal Arts School also started back today with similar success, although Headmaster Becky Baggett said the school has nearly reached its limit.
“Everything went very smoothly even though we’ve grown this year,” Baggett said. “We had to limit classes for the first time in a while, so we’ll have to look at a building project now. We changed up our start time for the elementary to come 10 minutes earlier to help ease the traffic and that seemed to work really well.”
The Troy City School System consists of Troy Elementary School, Charles Henderson Middle School and Charles Henderson High School.