Community forum series continues next Thursday

Published 3:00 am Friday, August 5, 2016

Members of law enforcement and the community will meet at a forum Thursday, the second forum held by Flowing Brook Inc. founder Shabrell Reynolds and Humbled Hearts Inc. founder Dana Wilson.

The first forum was held on July 14 in response to tragic events in the nation, including the fatal shootings of two black men by police and the mass shooting of officers in Dallas that left five dead.

“I just felt like we needed to do something,” Reynolds said at the forum.

Reynolds said that the level of engagement from the community and law enforcement at that initial forum made holding another forum a given.

“ We have to be proactive at all times,” Reynolds said. “Everyone was so engaged at the first forum and we didn’t have enough time. We want to see even more community participation. We encourage everybody to come out.”

Reynolds said that the format of the forum would remain mostly the same as the first meeting.

The forum will be held Thursday August 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Troy Recreation Center gym.