Truck traffic worries merchants in Brundidge

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jamie Bullock, a longtime business owner on Main Street in Brundidge, told the Brundidge City Council Tuesday that it’s time for trucking companies to “awn” up when their drivers take down the awing of Brundidge Florist when attempting to make a right turn from S.A. Graham Boulevard onto South Main Street.

“Our awning has been damaged five times and only one time did the company make compensation,” Bullock said. “At one time, there was a ‘No Truck Right Turn’ sign posted on S.A. Graham Boulevard far enough back for truckers to see it. I don’t know where the sign is but there’s not enough room for trucks to make that turn.”

Bullock said there is a sign across the boulevard that states No Truck Right Turns by trucks traveling north to south but truckers continue to turn.

“But, if any of them have been cited I don’t know it,” she said.

Bullock said she has to pay for damages done to her shop by trucks that make unsuccessful right turns.

“We have insurance but the deductible is high and, if we make a claim, our premium goes up, so we pay for the damage,” she said. “We’re just holding on. It’s hard to survive.”

Bullock said she has talked with Chris Oliver at the highway department in Troy and he said the City of Brundidge would need to make a request for a “No Truck Right Turn” sign.

“I would like to ask the city to do that,” she said.

Mayor Jimmy Ramage said he no problem with the request.

Council Member Margaret Ross District 3 asked if that request should be made into a motion. The mayor said a motion was not needed that if the state approved the request, they would put up a sign.

Bullock also mentioned sidewalk repairs that need to made on the corner of the boulevard and Main Street.

“The bricks are sinking and the hole could cause an accident,” she said.

She also mentioned that the steps have been removed from the dumpster that severs her shop and several other shops on South Main Street making it difficult to toss boxes into the tall dumpster.

Thomas said the steps had become dilapidated and the city is in the process of replacing them. Until the steps are in place, Thomas said boxes many be left at side of the dumpster.

In council action, the council voted to spend $67,097 to pave three streets in two districts with funds from the city’s gas tax fund.

City Manager Britt Thomas said there is no debt against the city’s gas tax fund and the money is available for the paving projects on Gilmore Road in District 3 ($53,456) and Fleming ($23,504) and Ramage ($13,641) streets in District 2.

Thomas said summer is the best time for paving projects and paving on Gilmore Road needs to be completed before teachers and students return to Pike County High School in early August.

Thomas said other streets in the city are in need of paving and will be considered as a later project.

The council took under considerations the city’s current policies concerning Brundidge Station, Galloway Park and the former city hall. Each council member had been asked to make suggestions as to any needed changes in the policies. Those suggestions were made available to all council members for consideration at the council’s next meeting.

The council discussed the compensation for election officials on Election Day and whether any changes needed to be made.

Election officials are paid $100 and are provided breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack. They are also paid $25 for attending a training session in Troy and mileage to and from Troy.

Thomas said Election Day is a long day for election officials, who must be ready to receive voters at 7 a.m. The polls close at 7 p.m. but election officials have to stay until the paperwork is completed.

The council took no action; therefore, the compensation for Brundidge election officials will remain the same.

Thomas said the city contacted the State Highway Department in an effort to determine if the culvert along Highway 231 was clogged with sand and debris and was preventing the flow of water from Mims Creek, which borders several homes along Johnson Street.

At a June council meeting, several residents addressed the council with concerns that the creek has been filled in by sand and debris from rainwater from city streets. The creek, the residents said, cannot handle the rainwater and is backing up into their yards, causing damage.

Thomas said there was no sand blockage at the culvert and the State Highway Department could offer no assistance. He said the Army Corps of Engineers will be contacted in an effort to find a workable solution to the problem.

The Brundidge City Council meets at 4 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.