Brundidge chief warns of burglaries

Published 3:00 am Saturday, June 25, 2016

Burglaries are going to happen in most all cities. However, when the number of burglaries increases rather dramatically, Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport said the community needs to be aware.

“In the last six weeks, we’ve had at least 10 burglaries reported in Brundidge,” Davenport said. “These burglaries occurred on the northeast and southeast sides of Main Street, and they occurred when no one was home. That lets us know that someone is watching houses to learn when people are gone and when they are going to be gone for longer than a little while. Those who are burglarizing these homes are probably local and could know the people.”

Davenport said the items most often targeted are guns, flat-screen televisions, computers and anything else electronic.

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“Burglars are taking items that can be pawned or swapped for drugs or cash,” he said. “Some of the items, like guns, they might keep. Our residents need to know that we’re having more break-ins and they need to be aware of any unusual activity around their homes.”

Unusual activity could include unfamiliar vehicles in the area and people who have no apparent reason to be there.

“To find out about family routines, somebody’s got to be watching, so any unusual activity should be considered suspicious,” Davenport said.

He suggested that homeowners keep all doors and windows locked, day and night.

“And that includes vehicles,” he said. “Even if you don’t have any electronics, guns or any other valuables in your car, it’s still a good idea to keep it locked.”

Davenport said it’s a smart idea to write down the serial numbers to computers, televisions and any other items that carry them.

“When homes are burglarized, those are some of the most popular items because they can be pawned or sold on the streets,” Davenport said. “When we call a pawn shop looking for stolen items, the first thing they ask is for the serial number. We need the serial numbers to get stolen property back to its owner.”

Davenport said anything of value should be branded with a personal mark.

“A dot of fingernail polish or your initials scratched somewhere on items can help us identify your property,” he said. “When you report a stolen item, you can say it has a tiny X on the bottom of a certain drawer. Anything that you can give as an identifying mark when you report a burglary is a big help in getting your stolen items back to you.”

Davenport said Brundidge residents should be aware that burglaries are increasing within the city limits and vigilant when surveying their surroundings.

“Be aware of your surroundings and unfamiliar people in the area, just anything or anybody that’s out of the ordinary,” he said.