Fish tales and rocking chairs highlight outing

Published 3:00 am Friday, June 24, 2016


The Colley Senior Complex took a large group of seniors to the Pike County Lake on Thursday for a morning of fishing followed by lunch. Above, Mattie Robinson and Jerry McBryde show off their catch as Anna McGrady looks on.

Mattie Robinson can tell a fish tale.

And, the tale she was telling and showing at Pike County Lake Thursday, was that she had caught a “fine” bucket of fish. “Seven, including this big bass,” Robinson said as she carried the bucket of fish around for all to see.

But Robinson was “totin’ a tale.” She had not caught one single fish.

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Jerry McBryde caught up with Robinson, took his bucket of fish and walked away with a tale of his own to tell – a tale of fish thievery.

Robinson and McBryde were among the large group from the Colley Senior Complex in Troy that enjoyed a variety of activities at Pike County Lake Thursday morning. The seniors fished, pretended to fish, rocked, played dominoes, engaged is lively conversation and, generally, enjoyed the beauty of nature.

Anna McGrady, who, admittedly, is a sister of the soil, fished patiently while her friends busied around her “fishing” for cheese and crackers in their party bags.
“Anna’s “looking fish’ but we can’t catch a cold,” they said, laughing.

Forty-five Colley Senior Complex participants enjoyed a day outdoors at Pike County Lake.

“This was our annual fishing trip/picnic,” said Catherine Jordan, Complex director. “Usually, we have this event at a private pond but, knowing what a great place Pike County Lake is, I wanted us to utilize the facility the city has worked so hard to renovated for the people of Pike County.”

Jordan said most of those who signed up for the trip didn’t know what to expect.

“The weather was hot and some of them weren’t sure they wanted to brave the heat,” Jordan said. “I thought when we got there most of them might stay inside but they didn’t. When they saw what a great place it is and how pretty it is, they didn’t want to go inside. They stayed out on the porch until we called them in for lunch. As soon as they finished eating, they were back out on the porch in the rocking chairs enjoying the outdoors and the fellowship.”

Jordan said already the seniors are asking to go back to Pike County Lake and soon.

“Dan Smith and his staff had everything set up for us and he checked on us to make sure everything was just right,” she said. “Pike County Lake is an awesome place. Everybody should be proud of a place like this right here at home.”