Troy Utilities celebrates Alabama Lineman Appreciation Day

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Art Faulkner, April Weaver and Twinkle Cavanaugh with the linemen.

Art Faulkner, April Weaver and Twinkle Cavanaugh with the linemen.

Troy Utilities joined representatives from Electric Cities of Alabama (ECA), Alabama’s electric cooperatives and Alabama Power Company this morning at the Montgomery Riverwalk Stadium for Alabama’s third official Lineman Appreciation Day.

During the 2014 Regular Session of the Alabama State Legislature, ECA worked in partnership with the Alabama Rural Electric Association of Cooperatives in passing legislation that designates the first Monday of June each year as Alabama’s Lineman Appreciation Day. Lawmakers unanimously passed a joint resolution sponsored by Representative April Weaver, R-Alabaster, to recognize the contributions linemen give each day as they risk their lives to keep the electrical power lines up and running.

“Lineman Appreciation Day is a time to honor all the hard working linemen who serve the electric industry,” said ECA Executive Director Jonathan Hand.

Troy Utilities Linemen Blake Garrett and Robert Munn, Alabama Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh and Troy Utilities Lineman Hue Davis.

Troy Utilities Linemen Blake Garrett and Robert Munn, Alabama Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh and Troy Utilities Lineman Hue Davis.

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“I was honored Troy Utilities could represent ECA and all municipal utility linemen across the state of Alabama in today’s ceremony. These linemen put their personal lives on hold when a disaster hits. Restoring electricity is the first step in recovery efforts and we are very proud to have a hardworking group such as the linemen at Troy Utilities.”

Troy Utilities General Manager Brian Chandler and Troy Utilities Linemen Hue Davis, Blake Garrett and Robert Munn represented Alabama’s municipal electric utilities at today’s ceremony. Speakers included State Representative April Weaver, State Emergency Management Agency Director Art Faulkner and Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh.

Troy Utilities is a member of ECA, a coalition of the state’s municipally owned electric utilities. Alabama’s electric cities span the state from the Tennessee Valley region in the north to the Gulf and Wiregrass regions of the south. Together, ECA members serve approximately one million customers in 36 cities.

Troy Utilities Linemen Blake Garrett and Robert Munn, Representative April Weaver and Troy Utilities Lineman Hue Davis.

Troy Utilities Linemen Blake Garrett and Robert Munn, Representative April Weaver and Troy Utilities Lineman Hue Davis.