County considers reno

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Linda Jeter, Pike County facilities superintendent, made another plea for a second restroom on the second floor the Pike County Courthouse at the Monday meeting of the Pike County Commission.

Jeter told the commissioners that the judge’s staff has use of the one existing restroom and employees who worked on the second floor and those who have business there have no restroom facility available to them on that floor.

Jeter suggested that a large work closet could be made into a restroom for the cost of $3,000.

Jeter said Ozark Plumbing will do the necessary work, much of which is plumbing, for that amount.

“The frame-up work has already been done,” she said.

Jeter brought to the commissioners’ attention the work that is needed at the Pike County Extension Office that includes painting, repairs and upgrades to the restroom facilities.

Rufus Williams Paint Company was high bidder on that project at $19,000. Davis and Davis was the low bidder $12,500.

Ozark Plumbing’s bid for four urinals and faucets upgrades at the Extension office was $1,275.

The commissioners took no action on the work needed at the Extension Office but did vote in favor of a second restroom on the second floor of the Pike County Courthouse.

The commission will consider the needed repairs and upgrades to the Pike County Extension Office at upcoming budget hearings.

Pike County Engineer Russell Oliver presented a map to the commissioners of the location of a proposed subdivision in the Hamilton Crossroads community. Oliver said the map was for the visual understanding of the proposed subdivision.

The commission approved the transfer application for a retail beer (off premises only) for Wild Bill’s LLDC in the Henderson community area.

On the next Pike County Commission agenda will be the consideration of applications for temporary operator positions in the road department and poll workers’ compensation,