Students perform at Music Study Club

Published 3:00 am Thursday, May 5, 2016

The “Young Artists of Troy” performed during the April meeting of the Troy Music Study Club.

The “Young Artists of Troy” performed during the April meeting of the Troy Music Study Club.

The Troy Music Study Club met Monday night, April 25 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary of the First Methodist Church. President Lyra Crapps welcomed the guests, performers and members and then led the Federation Collect. The Federation Hymn and the  “Together We Sing” song were sung directed by Bill Denison and accompanied at the piano by Jonathon Steinman, Troy University Senior Music Student. April’s song, “Eternal Father Strong to Save,” words by William Whiting and music by John Bacchus Dykes was introduced by Joyce Dix. This song is also known as the Navy Hymn. Music in Poetry chairperson, June Kendrick, read the poem “The Poet’s Occasional Alternative” by Grace Paley. She came to the USA from the Ukraine and grew up in the Bronx and is best known for her short stories.

Due to this being an open meeting most of the reports and business matters were omitted. Amanda Ford, program coordinator introduced the “Young Artists of Troy” in recital. Students of Lyra Crapps- This Old Man, Bells, Big Fat Frog and Old McDonald arranged by Glover  played by Gabbie Jackson, piano.

The Tempest by Nancy Faber and Sonatina in C by Frank Lynes, played by Abbie Ford, piano.

Students of Dovie Cutchen- Midnight Chase by Robert D. Vandall , played by George Tristan Smith, piano.

Powder Snow, arranged by Sperion ,played by Graham Williamson, piano.

Wishing on a Star by Joyce Grill, played by Molly Kate Jordan, piano.

Students of Gwen Threadgill- Come Christians, Join to Sing arranged by Melody Bober played by Catharine Stockstill, piano.

Black Cat Walk by Ruth Perdew played by Mario Robledo, piano. Rain Forest Rhapsody by Carol Matz played by Isabel Robledo, piano. Marche by J.S. Bach played by Daniel Niu, piano. Path of the Wind by Joe Hisaishi played by Donna Chen, piano.

Student of Dr. Jennifer Tinberg- Abendlied (Evening Song) Op. 85,No.12 by Robert Schumann , played by Mario Robledo, clarinet, accompanied by Dr, Tinberg.

Student of Katie Manker- Valse Novelle by Pylori Tchaikovsky played by Isabel Robledo, tenor saxophone, accompanied by Gwen Threadgill., piano.

Scholarship Winner- Ave Maria by Franz Shubert played by Breanna Guice, trumpet, accompanied by Lyra Crapps.

Student of Dr. Michael Huff- Siete Canciones populares Espanioles, Movement VI Canion by Manuel de Falla, played by Ashlee Robinson, trumpet, accompanied by Jonathon Steinman, piano.

Student of Dr. Hui ting Yang- The Cat and the Mouse ,” Scherzo Humoristique” by Aaron Copland, played by Jonathon Steinman, piano.

Following the Recital, refreshments were served in the Round Room .

Troy Music Study Club, founded in 1905 is affiliated with both the National Federation of Music Clubs and the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs.