Are you ready to Relay?

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The 2016 Pike County’s Relay for Life culminating event Friday night at the Troy Sportsplex will celebrate cancer survivors, remember those who lost their battles with the devastating disease and honor all of those who have raised funds in the fight against a formidable, but beatable, opponent.

Leigh Anne Windham, co-chair with Deedie Carter of the Pike County Relay for Life fundraising campaign, said the 2016 Relay for Life event will be from 6 until 9 p.m. and will begin with the Survivors Lap at 6 p.m. and conclude with the recognition of the top fundraisers and other special awards at 8:45 p.m.

“The Survivors Lap is a time for celebration and we encourage everyone to line the track and applaud those who have won victories over this disease,” Windham said. “Following the Survivors Lap, their caregivers will be invited to take the second lap with them and we want to continue to line the track to honor these special people – the caregivers.”

Then, the 2016 Relay for Life Teams will be invited to introduce themselves and make a lap together. The 22 teams will celebrate their 2016 fundraising efforts and acknowledge their commitment to continue the fight to defeat cancer.

The 2016 Relay for Life teams and other Relay supporters will then enjoy a time of food and fellowship and a non-stop lineup of entertainment.

“At 8 p.m., we’ll invite everyone to participate in the Luminary Walk as the names of those of who have won their battles with cancer, those whose battles were lost and those who are continuing the fight are read,” Windham said. “The Luminary Walk is a very special time during Relay as we honor and remember those whose lives have been touched directly by cancer.”

Luminaries are $5 each and are available by calling Lisa Linton at 268-1573. Luminaries may also be purchased at the Relay for Life board tent at Relay Friday night until around 7 p.m.

Following the Luminary Walk, awards will be presented to the top fundraising teams and individuals in the 2016 Pike County Relay for Life campaign.

“The recognition awards program is a special time for our Relay teams because it demonstrates that the people of Pike County are not going to give up the fight until the final victory is won over cancer,” Windham said.

“We never know when a dollar or a dime given to the fight will be the one that makes the final difference.”