Bible-reading volunteers sought this week

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Donnie Dunn can’t quite put into words the closeness of his experience with God when he’s reading the Holy Bible aloud and there’s nobody on the square in downtown Troy except him and God.

“The most difficult time slots to fill at the Bible Reading Marathon are between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.,” Dunn said. “But, in those quiet times –when it’s just you and God – your heart and soul are filled as you read the story of our God and our Lord and Savior.”

The 10th Annual Bible Reading Marathon begins at 6 p.m. on Sunday May 1 on the square in Troy and concludes at noon on the National Day of Prayer, May 5.

Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, said the Bible Reading Marathon is a way to be faithful to God’s Word and to honor it.

“The purpose of the Bible Reading Marathon is to have a public reading of the Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21,” Dunn said. “And God’s Word will not return void.”

The Bible Reading Marathon is a national event that is a witness to God’s word and a celebration of the nation’s First Amendment freedom.

“The Bible Reading Marathon is a non-denominational event and everyone is invited to participate,” Dunn said.

Readers for the 90-hour marathon volunteer to read in 15-minute time slots.

“We need 360 readers to fill those slots,” Dunn said. “But some people read longer and others read at several different times. Some churches will fill a time block with readers and we also have groups that volunteer to read in blocks.

“We encourage everybody who believes in God’s Word to be reader. You will receive a special blessing from reading God’s Word aloud whether people are there to listen or whether it’s just you and God.”

In addition to the readers, volunteers are needed to man the marathon booth, day and night.

“We need people at the booth to make sure that the Bible is being read continuously,” Dunn said. “Those who man the booth can fill in if a reader is not there to fill a slot.”

Those who would like to be readers at the Bible Reading Marathon or would like to man the booth are encouraged to call the Salem-Troy Baptist Association office at 566-1538 and schedule a time.

Dunn said the Bible Reading Marathon provides a blessing to those who hear God’s Word read and a special blessing to those who read. Call 334-566- 1538 and be blessed.