CAC Family Fun Day will feature dunking booth

Published 3:00 am Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center will host Family Fun Day from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 at the Troy Recreation Center.

This year, the CAC is celebrating Child Abuse Awareness Month in a different way.

“Rather than celebrating with a proclamation signing that declares the month of April Child Abuse Awareness Month in Pike County, we are going to celebrate with a day filled with fun activities for children and their families,” said Camille Downing, Pike  Regional CAC, executive director.

“We have a lot of different games planned for children of all ages including go fishing, bowling, a cupcake walk and bean bag toss. And, we’ll have bounce houses that all kids love.”

A very special activity will be the dunking booth with several local celebrities on the “dunking stool.”

“We have some very important people that are willing to get dunked in support of Child Abuse Awareness Month,” Downing said.

“Already on the dunking stool are Pike County Probate Judge Wes Allen, County Commissioner Robin Sullivan and Troy City Council Member D.J. Henderson.

“Troy Fire Chief Michael Stephens and Troy Police Officer Greg Wright have also volunteered and that’s just a few of the dunkees.”

However, Downing said “dunkees” are still needed. All it takes is a quick call to 670-0487 and “you’ll be on the hot seat.”

The automatic bubble blower is always a hit with kids so it will provide a lot of fun at Family Fun Day.

Santa Fe will have its catering wagon on site with hotdogs and hamburgers for sale. And Milky Moos will be at the Fun Day with ice cream.

There will be music throughout the day and special entertainment will be presented by SheBANG! Cloggers at 11 a.m. and by In His Steps at 11:20 a.m. And Sponge Bob and Doc McStuffins will greet the kids and just might pose for a photo or two.

“Family Fun Day,” hosted by the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center, will be like a little fair without the Ferris wheel, Downing said.

Admission is free but there will be a charge for food and the dunkin’ booth, of course.