Community invited to make ‘empty bowls’

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, February 9, 2016

For some, going bowling means rolling a shiny 10-pound ball down a narrow alley with the aim of knocking down wooden pins. But, around Troy and Pike County, those who “go bowling” are most often talking about hand making clay bowls for a good cause.

Each April, the Pike County Salvation Army hosts an Empty Bowls Luncheon that is a fundraiser for the programs and services that the non-profit organization provides for the local community.

A ticket to the Empty Bowls Luncheon entitles the purchaser to a full bowl of soup and empty hand-made bowl to take home.

“Individuals, schools and organizations make bowls for the luncheon and we have a large selection of unique handmade bowls,” said Kim May, director of the Salvation Army Service Center in Troy.

“We are offering, again this year, a Community Bowl-Making Day and are inviting those who would like to try their hands at making a bowl for the luncheon to join us.”

Community Bowl Making Day will be on February 20 at the American Legion Building on Walnut Street in downtown Troy. There will be two sessions, from 10 a.m. until noon and from 1 until 3 p.m.

“No experience is needed,” May said. “You just need to come ready to play in the ‘mud’ and with the desire to have a good time.”

After the bowls are made, they will be fired in the kiln and then they will be ready for glazing.

“We’ll have a follow-up day for glazing on March 5, same place and same time,” May said. “Space is limited for Community Bowl-Making Day so I encourage those who would like to participate to call and reserve a space.”

The number to call is 334-808-1069.

Those who participate in Community Bowl-Making Day have first dibs on their bowls at the Empty Bowl Luncheon.

To date, bowls for the luncheon have been made by the Pike County High School art classes, the Geneva Baptist Church WMU and the Colley Senior Complex Clay Class.

The Empty Bowls Luncheon will be from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on April 15 at the Bush Memorial Baptist Church Family Life Center. Everyone is encouraged to mark that date on the calendar in support of the local Salvation Army, a non-profit organization that provides emergency and short-terms assistance to people the local area.