Troy school board members honored for service

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Troy City Council recognized the Troy City Board of Education members at the board’s Monday meeting for their commitment to education in general and to Troy City Schools specifically.

Superintendent Dr. Lee Hicks read the city’s proclamation for School Board Recognition Month and added his own words of appreciation for the board members and all employees of the Troy City Board of Education.

“We can thank our lucky stars that we work together for the betterment of all students in the Troy City Schools,” Hicks said. “Everybody in the school system plays a vital role in the education of our students. I thank the board and I appreciate all that you do.”

Teresa Sims, Troy Elementary School principal, echoed Hicks’ words of appreciation. “I thank the board for your support financially and for your encouragement,” Sims said. She added that although the board’s job might seem thankless at times, their dedication and commitment is appreciated.

“As the gift bags say, you are the ‘coolest,” Sims said. “We are blessed to have you.”

Aaron Brown, Charles Henderson Middle School principal, said also that he and his staff appreciate the kind words and support of the board members.

“We thank you for your visits and always your support,” he said.

Brent Harrison, who is in his first year as principal of Charles Henderson High School, said he has received wonderful support from the board. “The board has backed us up with its support and we appreciate it,” he said.

Several board members responded with appreciation for the school system’s administrators and teachers.

“You make our job easier and we appreciate that,” Eva Green said. “We want you to know that we are always here for you.”

Roxie Kitchens said the job of the board members is “a piece of cake.”

“Yours is the hardest,” she told the administrators and teachers. “We are pleased to serve in the best school system and with administrators, teachers and parents who work together.”

Wally Lowery, board principal, stressed the importance of education and expressed his thanks to the system’s administrators and teachers who go the extra mile to ensure that the students in the Troy City School System get the best education possible.

In personnel action, the board:

• Approved the retirement of Ida Barnes, CHHS Child Nutrition Program, effective Dec. 18, 2016.

• Approved a leave of absence for Betty Sue Grubbs, CHHS custodian, effective Feb. 10, 2016.

• Approved the transfer of George Stone, Central Office – maintenance, to CHHS custodian, effective Feb. 10, 2016.

The board’s next regular meeting will be at 5:15 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22.