Pike County B.O.E. honored with reception

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Messenger photo/Jaine Treadwell The Pike County Board of Education was honored with a reception Monday night prior to the board’s regular meeting. Pictured from left, Dr. Clint Foster, president; Linda Steed, vice president; Wyman Botts, Dr. Greg Price, Chris Wilkes and Rev. Earnest Green.

Messenger photo/Jaine Treadwell
The Pike County Board of Education was honored with a reception Monday night prior to the board’s regular meeting. Pictured from left, Dr. Clint Foster, president; Linda Steed, vice president; Wyman Botts, Dr. Greg Price, Chris Wilkes and Rev. Earnest Green.

The members of the Pike County Board of Education were honored with a reception prior to its Monday meeting.

Pike County Superintendent of Education, Dr. Mark Bazzell acknowledge board members, Dr. Clint Foster, president; Linda Steed, vice president; Wyman Botts,

Dr. Greg Price, Chris Wilkes and Rev. Earnest Green and said working with the board of education is and has been a pleasure.

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“The board of education has been supportive of me personally as well as our entire faculty and staff,” Bazzell said. “First and foremost, the board is guided by what is in the best interest of the kids. The board does an outstanding job and the efforts of the members are always appreciated.”

Following the reception, the board adopted a resolution proclaiming January 2016 School Board Recognition Month.

In new business, the board:

• Approved permission to award contracts for E-rate Eligible Services-Telecommunications-Local and Long Telephone Services to TDS for Goshen schools, CenturyLink to Banks, Pike County Elementary School and Pike County High School and AT&T for Troy.

• Approved permission to award contracts for E-Rate Eligible Services to VolP Services to Transport Solutions.

* Approved permission to award contracts for E-rate Eligible Services-Cell Phone to AT&T Wireless.

• Approved permission to award contracts for E-rate Eligible Services-WAN/Internet Access Services to Information Transport Solutions.

• Approved permission for Wiregrass Archives to dispose of, retain, preserve and/or scan certain historical educational records from the 1930s to the 1970s.

• Approved permission for the Pike Chamber of Commerce Education Committee to use an activity bus for the Junior Ambassador trip on January 27.

• Approved the members of the systems Textbook Adoption Committee for the 2015-2016 school year.

• Approved permission to adopt Virtual School Option Policy 4.9.

• Approved permission for Pike County High School students Emily Caple and Zylon Guilford to attend the 2016 SEUS Honor Band Festival at Troy University February 4-6.

• Approved permission for Elena Pop and Dr. Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama-Mississippi Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual Conference, February 12-13 in Orange Beach.

• Approved permission for Dr. Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Association of School Personnel Administrators Conference, February 17-19 in Montgomery.

• Approved permission for Julie Simmons and Rachael Brooks to attend the Alabama State Department of Education Career Tech Simulated Workforce Implementation meeting, February 23-24 in Birmingham.

• Approved permission for the following personnel to attend the Alabama State Department of Education Megaconference, July 11-15 in Mobile. Goshen High School: Major Lane, Anthony May, Ana Belle Lee and Kim Head; Goshen Elementary School: Wendy Pittman; Pike County Elementary School: Sylvia Haslam, Shantell Rouse and Cindy Edwards; Pike County High School: Sharon Sullivan; Banks: To be determined. Central Office: Dr. Donnella Carter, Pam Franklin, Dr. Mark Head, Stephanie McCall, Jeff McClure and Ramona Pope; Nurses: Pam Moates, Liz LeVeque and Angie Long.

• Approved permission for the following personnel to attend the Annual Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools Conference, June 12-15 in Montgomery. Goshen High School: Major Lane and Tony May; Goshen Elementary School: Wanda Corley and Tracey Arnold; Banks: Lee Scott; Pike County Elementary School, Sylvia Haslam and Shantell Rouse; Pike County High School: Willie Wright and Shondra Whitaker; Central Office: Dr. Donnella Carter, Pam Franklin and Dr. Mark Head.

• Approved permission for the following personnel to attend the Alabama Autism Conference, February 26 in Tuscaloosa: Kim Faulkner, Teresa Register, Sonya Galloway, Emily Kessler and Alberta Miles.

• Approved permission for Pam Franklin to attend the Alabama Community Education Association Annual Conference, February 23-26 in Huntsville.

• Approved permission for Tracey Arnold to attend the Assistant Principal Conference, February3-4 in Prattville.

• Approved permission for Chelsea Marguriet and Lindsey Strube to attend the Pre-K Conference January 3-6 in Mobile.

• Approved permission for Gina Maxwell and Rachel Brooks to attend the 11th Annual Career Development Conference, January 28 in Gardendale.

• Approved permission for Julie Simmons and Rachel Brooks to attend the SREB Eighth Annual National Tech Centers That Work Leaders’ Forum February 1-5 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Bazzell said the requests for attendance at the various conferences were budgeted from funded sources.

The superintendent of education asked the board for permission to continue the search for property on which to construct a facility for the systems Virtual High School. Bazzell said the project is “way down the road” but he wants to continue “looking for dirt.”

The board Approved/denied student transfers as presented in spreadsheet and recommended by Bazzell.

In personnel action, the board:

Approved catastrophic leave for Marsha Jean Grant for the remainder of the year.

Approved recommendation of the Sick Leave Bank committee to deny catastrophic leave for Valarie Thomas, secretary, Pike County Elementary School.

Approved new request for catastrophic leave for Valerie Thomas, PCES.

Accepted the resignation of Benjamin Graham, Banks.

Approved the emergency employment of Ronna Williams, Social Science, Banks

Approved employment of Tammy Hetrick, secretary, Pike County High School.

Additional items to come before the board included one new business item and four personnel items.

Under new business, the board approved a beverage provider agreement between Coca-Cola Bottling Company and PCHS.

In additional personnel action, the board approved the employments of Crystal Pew, kindergarten teacher at PCES and Teresa Webb, Health Science Teacher at TPCT.

The board also approved the employment of Dennis Hagler as bus driver.

In final action, catastrophic leave was approved for Pebley Williams, secretary at GHS.