IT’S TIME: Alabama, Pike County ready for annual ‘Scale Back’ effort

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, January 12, 2016

On Monday, 157 Alabamians stepped on a truck scale and broke the Guinness World Record for the most people on one scale. The Alabama group weighed in at a collective 30,400 pounds and helped kick off the 10th year of the state’s largest weight loss and exercise program, Scale Back Alabama.

Scale Back Alabama has lasted 10 years and had resulted in a statewide loss of more than 1.2 million pounds.

Karen Herring, Troy Regional Medical Center, said Pike County has contributed to that number of lost pounds through its participation in Scale Back Alabama.

“And, we have an opportunity to add to the number of lost pounds by joining hundreds of other organizations in this statewide weight-loss program,” Herring said. “In years past, teams of four we invited to participate in Scale Back Alabama. Now, teams are made up of only two. And, the prize structure has changed so that if only one team member loses 10 pounds or more, that person is eligible for the prizes to be awarded.”

Herring said those who are struggling with the need to lose a few pounds are encouraged to participate in Scale Back Alabama, which is a 10-week program designed for participants to lose one pound a week, thus 10 pounds during the program.

“The Scale Back program is also for those who are taking blood pressure medicine but know they could stop taking it with a better diet,” she said.

“And, it’s for those who have a family history of heart disease and understand that, by being overweight, they are increasing their risk of coronary artery disease by 32 percent or more.”

The goal of the contest is to eat less and move more and lose one pound a week. Those who are successful in meeting the goal are eligible for prizes. All those who lose at least 10 pounds are entered in a drawing for 40 prizes of $100 each. Teams on which both members lose at least 10 pounds are entered into a drawing for three prizes of $1,000 each ($2,000 per team); three prizes of $500 each ($1,000 per team) and three prizes of $250 ($500 per team).

“At Troy Regional Medical Center, we encourage those who need and want to shed a few pounds to, grab a partner and be a part of the 2016 Scale Back Alabama program,” Herring said. “Many people in Pike County have participated in the past and this year the prizes are even better. Not only that, the benefits of losing 10 pounds in 10 weeks will be great.”

TRMC will host a public weigh-in from 4 until 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Jan. 25, 26 and 28, at the hospital marketing office.

“It’s very difficult to quantify the tremendous benefits of Scale Back Alabama,” said Tom Miller, M.D., acting state health officer. “The evidence shows that obesity has serious health consequences, and unfortunately, Alabama ranks near the top in terms of adult obesity. However, it’s also been proven that programs like Scale Back Alabama that offer incentives, education and accountability as a team member go a long way in encouraging healthy lifestyles.”