May updates Brundidge Rotarians on Salvation Army efforts

Published 3:00 am Thursday, January 7, 2016

Messenger photo/Jaine Treadwell Brundidge Rotarian Homer Homann thanked Kim May, Pike County Salvation Army director, for all the local Salvation Army does for people in the Pike County area. The Salvation Army is a non-profit organization that helps people here at home.

Messenger photo/Jaine Treadwell
Brundidge Rotarian Homer Homann thanked Kim May, Pike County Salvation Army director, for all the local Salvation Army does for people in the Pike County area. The Salvation Army is a non-profit organization that helps people here at home.

Kim May, director of the Pike County Salvation Army in Troy, was the program guest at the Wednesday meeting of the Brundidge Rotary Club.

May was there to talk to the Rotarians about upcoming fundraising events for the local Salvation Army and to thank the Brundidge Rotarians for their continuing support of the Salvation Army’s 2015 Red Kettle campaign.

“I want to thank you for being bell-ringers again this year and for all the years past,” May said. “We know that we can always count on you to ring the bell for us in Brundidge and to help us reach our goal. We did reach our goal of $35,000 this year, and thank you for helping make the campaign a success.”

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May said fundraising is vital to the Salvation Army’s ability to help the people in the local community.

“The money that we raise is used to help our friends and neighbors,” she said. “The Salvation Army is a non-profit organization and our purpose is helping our local community.”

She said the local Salvation Army provided 62 food boxes to families in need during the Christmas season.

As the 2016 fundraising efforts begin, the Pike County Salvation Army will again sell camp stew to raise funds for its programs.

“Our last camp stew fundraiser was a great success,” May said. “We made 600 quarts, and we sold 600 quarts. We will have the same camp stew made by Carter Sanders’ famous recipe on sale Jan. 28. We are not selling tickets. You can come by the Salvation Army Service Center and reserve your camp stew or you can reserve you order by calling 808-1069. The camp stew will be ready for pickup between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. If you haven’t placed an order, you can purchase on site between those hours.”

May said another important fundraiser for the local Salvation Army is its annual Empty Bowls Luncheon that will be April 15.

“We have a lot of people who make bowls for the luncheon including students, senior adults groups and people from the community who want to participate,” May said. “We will have several community bowl-makings and invite all of those who want to make bowls for the fundraiser to come and have some fun supporting a good cause.”

The Empty Bowl Luncheon is designed so that everything is donated; therefore, all the money raised benefits the Pike County Salvation Army. “Last year, the Empty Bowls Luncheon raised $10,000 which was greatly needed and appreciated,” May said. “Throughout the year, we respond to many different needs and in many different ways.

The local Salvation Army is assisting the victims of the flooding in Elba by accepting donations and relaying them to the proper agency in Dale County.

“It was a big flood to those affected, but not big enough for the Pike County Salvation Army to be asked to assist in other ways,” May said. Donations to the Pike County Salvation Army Service Center are needed and appreciated year round. The Service Center accepts clothing, furniture and household and miscellaneous items. Monetary donations are always appreciated.